Hey F-squad. This post is for you. 

Remember the beginning? Remember before this crazy adventure began?

We sold our stuff, packed up, stressed about visas and prayed and prayed for support to come in.

We read blog after blog, debated on whether to bring the Chacos or the Tevas and counted down the days until launch. 

Remember the words spoken over our squad?

It's actually kind of crazy the events leading up to our Race. Fires were raging all over the US. They were out of control, hitting a little too close to home for a few of us.

Remember what was prophesied over our squad? 


Set a fire down in my soul that I can't contain, that I can't control…

Now, I don't know about you, but when I heard that I was STOKED! I immediately thought of a raging fire, Holy Spirit moving in amazing ways, seeing His tangible presence, healings, thousands meeting Jesus, etc etc.

I had no idea.

Fire means refinement. Fire means cleansing and removal of all impurities. Fire burns anything that is dead and dry. 

This third I will bring into the fire;
I will refine them like silver
and test them like gold
They will call on my name 
and I will answer them;
I will say, 'They are my people,'
and they will say, 'The Lord is our God.'

-Zechariah 13:9

In 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, Paul talks about how no foundation can be laid EXCEPT for Jesus. Jesus is our rock foundation. Only upon Him must we build with the knowledge that in the end, fire will test our work and reveal it for what it is. 

F-squad we have been put into the furnace. Some of us came on this race with the belief that we had it pretty much figured out what it meant to be a Christ-follower. We were ready for something more. For some of us, our very foundation was made out of sticks and hay. We thought we were going to "bring the kingdom" and have a little adventure on the side.  

It has not been what we expected.

We have questioned our identity,
we have questioned our beliefs,
we have questioned if He is worth it or not,
we have questioned the sacrifice. 

What did we find out? Our God is Consuming Fire

This was a season of burning off the dead branches that were not producing fruit. This was a season of discarding the old, laying down idols, and learning who we REALLY are. 

Guess what…. He never left us and He is not finished yet. 

When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. 
-Isaiah 43:2

Did you know that forest fires are necessary to bring new life and new vegitation? Minerals are returned to the soil and certain plant seeds are only able to germinate after being under intense heat. 

We are about to LAUNCH! 

We are about to enter into a season of NEW LIFE. A season of abundance and new growth. We have been purified to finally begin the ministry God is calling us to. He has walked us through the fire so that we can go "home" and serve our family, friends, co-workers, etc. 

We are not counting down until we can go home and check off "World Race" from our to-do list.  We are called home to the mission field-to love and to serve our God who is totally and completely worth it all. 

This is your life. Thanks for for showing up 🙂