Sometimes I wonder if I am crazy.  While my roommates are planning to move to another state, I am figuring out how to sell/give away all of my stuff that doesn’t fit into my backpack. While classmates are going to career fairs, I am asking people for money. While friends are planning weddings and choosing cakes, decorations, etc, I am trying to figure out how to wean myself from coffee. I catch myself thinking in blog posts. My roommate has a count down to the day she gets married, and I have a count down to the day I am homeless. If you would have told me that I would be in this position a year ago, I would have seriously questioned your sanity… and now I am questioning mine.
That’s the thing about comparison. It just doesn’t work well. We are so uniquely made and have separate dreams and plans that the moment we measure our lives up again another’s, we feel behind, incompetent, and…well…crazy. Comparison limits us. It holds us back from settling into the men and women that the Lord has made us to be. It tells us that we are not good enough, that we are too much, OR it makes us prideful and self-righteous.
The Lord has made us so unique and different, so why should our circumstances be the same?  We love to come up with equations for the best way to _______. We put “successful” people on a pedestal and then we study their very thoughts and actions as to how they got there (Is this just me?). We do this to God too.  We see how He has moved in someone’s life, than we place expectations on Him to encounter us in that exact same manner. How boring and predictable would that be if God always worked the same way? 
Think about this. We are all made in God’s image. It says so in the very beginning. Think about even a handful of people you know. Think about their little quirks, their smiles, their laughter, the way they analyze a situation, their gifts, talents and abilities.  This is who our God is. Ask the Lord to show you who He has made you to be. He is longing to show you. Longing to show you your identity as a daughter and a son of the most High King.

You have been set apart.
You have been chosen. 
You are planned, loved, and redeemed.
You have been hand crafted by the Creator of the universe!
Accept whom He has made you to be AND be at peace. He is good.