It has been another month and here I am on a plane again.


I have come to find that all airports look the same. Same blue carpets, same hustle of people either aimlessly perusing the magazine stands or rushing down moving sidewalks regretting the extra 5 minutes spent in bed. Every skytrain you hop on has a similar little jingle and the curt voice of woman or man warning you to hold on.


As kids we used to try and ride the train with out holding on to the safety bars. Ignoring the chiding remarks by our mother, we would take a surfer stance in the middle, oblivious to the passengers loaded with oversized “carry-on” bags (these were the days before the $20 fee). There we would wait, tensed up in preparation for the train to begin its acceleration to the terminal all the while yelling “Looook! Nooooo hands!!”


I have my airport routine to a science:


Travel day outfit. check. 

Check in online

Security- 2 buckets: laptop out, shoes off, water-bottle drained.

Double check gate on smart phone while walking to sky-train.

Find gate.

Find coffee.

Board plane praying for non-talkative seat partner.


This month was a blur. A years worth of travel, emotions, hellos and goodbyes all wrapped into 30 days. One year ago, I was packing up to leave on the World Race. One month ago, I was packing up to leave for America, and one day ago, I packed those bags again to once again leave for World Race part 2.


This month was a celebration. A celebration of coming home, of reuniting with family (meeting the newest members) and finishing the race! 

This month was a month of mourning, of prolonging the time before I get to reunite with friends, of saying goodbye to my beloved F Squad family.


I fought it the whole way- questioning why: why God would call me to leave so soon, why THIS was the next step, why I couldn’t settle down or have some consistency.

I fought the lie- the lie that said I am just “stalling” real life, that I had nothing to offer this new squad.


But despite all of this here I am! For the first time this month I finally feel something new… excitement. Eager. Readiness. Ready to meet a new family. Ready to love deeper and further than ever before. Ready to shout my YES in willingness and thankfulness to the Lord.


I am here. I am present and I am reminded.

Reminded of the rush it is to be completely in the hands of the Father- to see men and women place themselves in a place of complete abandon.


Reminded of how MUCH His heart beats for His sons and daughters.


So here we go! My lovely squad arrives the 4th and we leave the 7th for Guatemala!!


Thank you for your love and your prayers. Thank you for your financial support and your words of encouragement. I would not be here with out you.