I am so excited to share my incredible journey ahead, but first want to tell you why I feel called to this semester trip to the Philippines!

I originally heard about World Race through a close family friend at my church that had been on and led trips with World Race and the semester programs. I knew that this summer I wanted to spend my time diving deeper in my relationship with the Lord through serving him. I wasn’t sure exactly what this would look like but upon prayer and searching for the right program, World Race and its mission spoke to my heart. I want to be a part of this organization to spread the good news of Jesus and build a community of followers that can change the lives of the beloved people of the Philippines. I understand that World Race is going to be full of exciting challenges and difficult hardships as I spend a month in a foreign place pushing myself out of my comfort zone, however, I know that God is calling me to these new challenges to deepen my faith. I have previously been on multiple week-long missions in Guatemala serving widows and orphans and want to take this passion and amazing experience to a new level as I seek God in new ways through the light and hearts of this trip’s partnering organization, Kids International Ministries. 

After much prayer and consideration, I have chosen this route because I feel my heart and passions most align with this trip. I am currently studying Special Education and Elementary Education and have always had a passion for kids. Having this trip partnering with Kids International Ministries made me incredibly excited as God has continued to call my heart in this area. I have served on missions in the past to Guatemala and worked with kids to fulfil the same mission statement of James 1:27: to love on orphans and widows. I would love the opportunity to continue to share how perfectly and wonderfully made these kids are in Jesus’s eyes on a new and deepening adventure. I have grown in my passion through serving kids throughout the children’s ministry at my church as well as working one on one with children with special needs. Being the light of Jesus for these kids and showing them how much they matter is so rewarding as God molds their hearts and mine. I feel that this route specifically will allow me to continue to do this in a new way. Teaching, Loving, and Serving has been a motto in my faith, as my youth group embodied these words for the last four years. I knew God was confirming our call to the Philippines because Kids International Ministries lives by the same motto and it truly gives me peace in applying to work alongside this ministry. I am excited to take these three words beyond my backyard to reach the other side of the world.

Thanks again for all your support and truly walking along side me as I prepare for this amazing adventure ahead!