Hey guys. So the road trip to Oregon has officially started.

This past week, I was in Gainesville, GA which is where the base of Adventures in missions is located. We had this "reunion"/"conference" with all of us who just returned to America.

It was weird. For me at least.

I was really enjoying being back in 'merica.

When we arrived we hugged and many stated how much they missed the race. They said life was more difficult state side.

That wasn't my experience.

It has been great in America. I got to spend time with my family and be roommates with my grandma for 2 weeks.

I visited friends in many different cities and I was able to share many stories and heart changes over the past year.

Squad mates felt like no one cared. People wanted their 2?minute summary of a year of mission work.

That wasn't my experience.

People cared. They genuinely did.

Squad mates were overwhelmed by all the choices in grocery stores. All the clothes in their closets. All the clutter in America.

That wasn't my experience.

Although I only ate blueberries for 2 weeks, I remembered what a store looked like. I remembered I have too much stuff. I remembered America. It hadn't changed… (But isn't that the problem)

I don't say all of this to brag, but to say I recognize God's grace on my reentry process.

At first, I patted myself on the back. I thought "job well done- reentry wasn't at all what they say." The Lord showed me I pridefully thought I had done something right, when it reality He was just answering my prayers.

I prayed for an easy reentry often and God answered. Then I acted like it was all my doing.

It wasn't. It never is.

When has God shown you favor in a hard situation?

Did you recognize it as Him or did your pride get in the way and tell you it was because something you had done?

I want to write more about searchlight and the spiritual journey that took me on. Maybe I can write about that tomorrow. (I'm typing on a phone so it takes forevs.)