Hey guys· 

I don’t even know where to begin. 

Well first of all Kelsey and I arrived safely in Manila. We went straight from the airport to Red Cross Philippines where we signed up to volunteer as nurses with them. We then came to Wipe Every Tear where we originally felt led to work.

Once we arrived here we were faced with many hugs and  lots of love from the girls who live here, while we waited for Becky, the house “auntie” to arrive. They are amazingly beautiful people. 

When Becky got here we could see the grief in her eyes. She was heartbroken and felt an obligation to do something about it. 

See, Becky’s family is from Dulag, Leyte. It is a city, much like Tacloban, lost all infrastructure and resources. The people there are now stranded with no food, shelter, gasoline, electricity, cell service, and NO AID an  they are CRYING out for help. They DO have a water well, so we are praying they have uncontaminated water to drink. 


Becky and Lylane got a call from there family yesterday saying they were safe, but shared the above needs. They had to drive 4 hours to the nearest intact city to make this call. Thankfully they had the gasoline, but chances are they are out by now. 

Minute by minute here we are praying and trying to devise a plan. Becky and Lylane are flying to Cebu right now and going to try to find a way to get to Dulag to their family so they can bring food and other basics. The bridges to get there from Tacloban are all washed out so the only way to travel would be by boat/helicopter.


(these are all pics from Dulag)

They are planning on talking to the officials when they get there to assess what supplies are needed.  We are doing everything we can to pull strings to get this city on the map so aid will get there.  (We would love your help with this as well)

Adventures in Missions is mobilizing a team to help and also Kelsey and I are going to try to get there and provide basic medical needs knowing there is a probability there will be wounds and infections everywhere.

We are waiting on Becky and Lalyn figure out how to get there, assess the supply needs and communicate with us and then we will be on our way.

What do we need from you?  One we need PRAYER.   LOTS OF PRAYER.

 Prayer for Becky and Lalyn to find a way to their family and get there safely.  Prayer that this city is put on the map and food/resources are supplied there.  Prayer that this community would come together and help each other peacefully.  Prayer for whatever the Lord lays on your heart to pray.  Just Pray PLEASE. 

Secondly, we are asking if you would consider giving to help the relief efforts.  You can go to the link here: Typhoon Haiyan Disaster Relief to give.  ANY AMOUNT would be so appreciated, and your gift will go directly to aid in bringing relief to those who need it most. 

We realize this is all way above what we are capable of, but we know this is the reason God brought us here.  We know HE is CAPABLE of this and so much more… so please pray He would show us how to best be used by Him while we are here.

I know we are here to work with an anti-sex trafficking ministry, and this relief effort could look like a side track to Wipe Every Tear’s mission.  Let me just clarify as much as we are there to help with relief, this has EVERYTHING to do with the sex trade as well. WET is an anti-sex trafficking ministry and when disasters like this happen the women that go into the sex trade dramatically increase because the women feel it is the ONLY way to supply their family with the food they need to survive.  

Anyways, thanks for all of your prayers and support.  Sending our love from Philippines.