My name is Lindsey and I love coffee. Coffee. It’s sad to think that’s the first word that comes to my mind when I think about how to describe myself, but it’s at the center of all the things I love. I love drinking a cup of coffee in the morning when I am spending time with my creator. I love meeting people and having deep conversations over a cup of coffee. I love the quiet moments of joy that I feel when I take the first sip of a really good cup of black coffee. 

I love other things besides just coffee. I love my family with my whole heart (they are the people I would gladly spend everyday with). I love baking and trying out new dairy-free recipies. I love dancing like a fool during worship. Most of all I love travel, Jesus and adventure.

And that is how I ended up here. After studying abroad in college (with a life-changing community of people) to New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong and China,  I found myself going back to China 2 more times. Each time that I went back I realized that God was calling me beyond myself to something more. Something so much bigger than myself. After graduating with a Youth Ministry degree in 2013, I spent 2 years living in Texas and teaching preschool and volunteering in anyway possible at my church. But my heart has always been drawn to more. 

After going on the race in 2016 (4th Gen A squad), attending the Center for Global Action in the summer of 2017, and squad leading for an October 2017 launch (5th Gen B squad), I’m here. Continuing to lead, continuing to fight for people to understand identity and intimacy. Thanks for joining my journey, let’s see where we end up next.