How much money do you need to raise?
It’ll cost $16,250 to cover all of my food, lodging, transportation, administrative costs, and medical insurance.
Here’s what that looks like:

When do you need to have all this money?
I have four deadlines to meet.
1. $3500 by May 3rd, 2014
2. $7500 by June 17th, 2014
3. $11,000 by October 1st, 2014
4. $16,250 by January 1st, 2015

That’s a LOT of money. Aren’t you afraid you might not be able to get it all?
Sort of. Yes, it’s a really big, really scary number. Thankfully though, God can do really big, really crazy things. He wouldn’t call me to go if he wasn’t going to let me go, and I KNOW he’s going to get me there! Most people(including myself sometimes) are a bit concerned that I’m not more worried than I am…but it isn’t that I’m complacent about it. I’m not sitting back doing nothing while I wait for God to drop the money out of the sky, but I’m also not dropping out of school and selling my organs on Ebay(one of a few things I considered in one of my many moments of freaking out).

Where is the money going to come from?
Glad you asked!
Here are just a few possibilities.
163 people giving $100,
326 people giving $50,
652 people giving $25,
1,630 people giving $10…etc, etc.
BUT the options that add up the fastest:
65 people giving $25 a month for 10 months,
32 people giving $50 a month for 10 months,
or 16 people giving $100 a month for 10 months.

Besides asking everyone I can to pray and consider giving any possible amount, I’ll also be doing other fundraisers between now and the time I leave which I’ll post updates on as I get details figured out. And once I’m on the field and have more interesting things to blog about than how much I need money, my stories will hopefully get more people wanting to donate to keep me out there(unless of course God has me fully funded before I launch!).
Any way you slice it, every penny I need is ultimately coming from God. He’s the one who’s sending me, and he’s the one leading people to give so that I can go. When I think about it that way, fundraising doesn’t scare me; it makes me excited to see how he’s going to provide!

How can I help?
1. PRAY! Like I said, the money is coming from God, so someone’s going to have to ask him for it. I’d rather you pray for me and not give me a penny than you give me a thousand bucks and not pray at all. It’s that important.
2. Click on the “Support Me” tab and follow the directions if you want to give!
3. Keep up with my blog so you can know what new fundraisers I have going on! Click the “Follow Me” tab and put in your email address.
4. If you have any camping gear that you want to give me, sell me for cheap, or let me borrow for a year, let me know! I’ll be putting out a list of the specific things I need soon, but there’s a lot of it and it isn’t covered in my general fundraising.
5. Do you live near me and have anything you want to get rid of? Donate it for my yard sale!
6. Have any good fundraising ideas? Send them my way!
7. I really like hugs and pictures of cute animals, so I’ll always appreciate either of them if you ever feel like sending me some. 😉

Thank you for any help of any kind! Every prayer and every gift gets me one step closer to getting around the world!