Our team was taken to an unfinished orphanage in Khok Kloi, and as I saw it for the first time, I also saw the following: a bunch of young Thai boys and girls running around, playing, with huge palm trees surrounding them, seeming like God’s precense as He closely watches over every single child, delighted in their smiles and laughter. I saw them growing up happily, trusting in God for every step they have to take.

The last week we helped to finish the orpanage by digging a hole for the watertower, clearing rubble and mixing cement. I enjoyed it so much to work for God, speaking to Him the whole time and enjoying the company of the builders and their kids.

After every day of hard work, we all would go for a relaxing swim in the ocean. I truly felt part of this community of Thai builders as they shared their lives with us. We even had our meals with them. What an experience! Everyone sits on the ground, cross-legged, around communal plates of different Thai dishes. It mostly consisted of sticky rice, fish, soups and the top of coconut tree, and a LOT of chilli!! We were on fire for God the whole week!

The time really was blessed and I hope that the kids that will live there, will also just have a blessed time with God and family and friends.