Doubt: verb (used with object)
           1) to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe.
But what isn’t said is how everyone experiences it.
What gave me the idea of writing this post was an email I received shortly after my first post. It was the sweetest email I have ever received, and honestly I cried a little when reading it. I emailed this girl back and after several emails we got to open up to each other. I realized that we mostly talked about all the doubts in our lives.
Ill be the first one to admit I doubt a lot, myself and even my faith. And thats when the girl emailed me back telling me something her friend said, “Why don’t we trust the One who healed the sick, who raised the dead, and who parted the waters?” Wow what an amazing statement, I thought. And its true, how could we ever doubt the one who loves us and cares for us more than anyone else? How could we doubt the one who loved us and knew us before we were ever born?  
2 Corinthians 12:9 is the verse I shared with her and I wanted to share with y’all as well. “For my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. This is one of my all time favorite verses. It makes me realize God is so much more than the strive for perfection or the doubts in my mind. He truly cares and will take care of me and you. Our Father will always protect his children. 
Its going to be hard but I ready to let go of my doubts. Im ready to be more confident in Christ.
Im ready to serve him. 
Please keep myself and the girl in my emails in your prayers as we overcome our doubts. Also thanks for all the support, it truly means a lot. 