Everyday is a challenge to create ourselves. What will I wear? How well will I do in school? How can I can I become enough, be successful, make time for others, and check everything off my to do list. 

  I get so caught up in my day to day grind I’m left with an emptiness and feel overwhelmed. Somedays I get caught up in creating myself I forget that I am already created, and my only job is to receive my identity. The things I’m constantly working to prove myself in this earthly life should be the last on my to do list and becoming one with the one who created me should be first. The true me is not out in the world where I’m looking, but within in me waiting to be explored.

“Anything that is created by anything or anyone other than the creator , the God that breathed me into being can only be false. Any self that I create or manufacture is a false self because it is just a cheap imitation, adaptation, or distortion of the me I was created to be by the one who dreamt me into being before the foundation of the earth.

My true identity can only be bestowed, it can never be achieved. So my challenge each and everyday, is to stop the on going of trying, in desperation, to crete a self that has in fact already been fearfully and wonderfully made. Its funny how I strive to make a name for myself, when only He can give me the name I was bear -my true name.

How incredibly freeing, it is as if God is saying I have given you your value and your worth I have bestowed it upon you and it can never be lost so stop measuring, stop earning, stop comparing, stop preforming, your worth is not hanging in the balance. It does not depend on anything you achieve or on any accomplishment you attain, so relax live in the freedom in knowing you are loved deeply and fully and completely- as well as eternally instead of working so hard to prove yourself just fall in love with me.” Jim Branch