I’m using this space as a place in which I can write to anyone who hasn’t been or isn’t currently on the World Race, but knows someone somehow who is or has. Perhaps you are a parent to a racer, a grandparent, a prayer partner, a sister, a best friend, an old classmate, a pastor, a mentor, or an “I read blogs and leave encouraging comments” person. This is to you from me; in-fact I hope and believe it is from all of us. 
I also write this for my squad and other racers as we get ready to head home… A little necessary perspective I believe. 

To the non-racers. This is me saying thank you. I want you to know that you are Imperative. You are crucial, significant, and exceptional. You are vital, utterly essential, and so completely adored. I am overwhelmed by how much like Jesus you have been to us this season. You have had grace for us when we called crying. You have had love for us when we needed encouragement. Your prayers went up like incense to our Heavenly Father, and we felt the blessing pour down like sweet rains. You were faithful in your financial sharing, faithful in your desire to see the freedom of Christ spread across this world, and you showed that. We could not have come on this journey without you, literally. The indescribable, absolutely incredible things that happened this year became reality because your words of protection, prayers for boldness, courage, peace, and willingness, sprang to the heavens. For the truths of perseverance he gave to you speak over us, thank you for speaking them. Thank you. Thank you for letting him use you. We are one people serving a good Father. What a glorious and exquisite chapter in his story this 11 months has been. 

I also want to say this. If you are in America right now, seeking The Lord and doing his work, praying for us, praying for whoever, loving your neighbor, spreading the gospel, living the gospel, saying no to temptation, remaining faithful, tithing even when the future is unknown, making time to enter his presence, sharing your testimony with a co-worker, hosting dinner parties to provide community, asking your kid’s teacher if she’s doing all right, talking to a stranger with love …. You’re doing all the same type of things we do, you just didn’t get on a plane to do it. I’m not saying that international mission work isn’t a beautiful part of our call. It is, and we’ve been blessed to do it. What I am saying is that you have been his servant in a country, far darker than many that I’ve visited; and yet you remain faithful. It’s beautiful and necessary. 
Now, Im gonna say something in raw honesty that I think needs to be said.
Racers, we are not war heroes returning home from battle. The war is constant. We entered this war when we were born, and people at home have been fighting too. We don’t deserve special treatment. We aren’t the most important part in the body of Christ. It’s a body….every part matters. It comes down to the fact that upon returning, “we” as in us, our parents, communities, friends, family, church, etc.  will all need to have grace for each other, equally. There is a fine line between “catering to” and “loving well” and the latter is a much more appropriate and healthy thing. Racers, let us not be tempted to buy into the lie that we have been working while the rest of the world just scrolls through our Instagram lives. Can we choose to not bring home with us a spirit of entitlement, cultivating an environment in which our loved ones feel they must tiptoe around our fragile emotions, walking on eggshells. It’s not about us. We were tools used on foreign ground, that’s all. Can we accept that with humility? Have we grown and matured enough to see that this year had a lot less to do with us than the oppressor wants to make it seem. Can we be open to all questions, all affections, and inquiries about our journey with a grace and peace that transcends all understanding, and use each and every  situation to point people to what this whole trip is really about? It’s about His Kingdom kissing earth in the sweetest romance that ever was or ever will be.
We aren’t coming home fragile; we are coming home strong. We aren’t coming home having “arrived”; we are coming home having “grown”. We aren’t entitled, and we don’t need special treatment. Let’s not forget what our home communities have struggled with this year that have made them stronger,and what life has thrown their way pushing them to grow. Yes, our experience has been unique and a blessing…but satan wants to use good things to twist them how he can. Let’s not let him. I don’t want to go home narcissistically expecting anything. I’d like to go home and join again with the hardworking part of the body in our home who have also been “Running the race. Keeping the faith.” 
Yes we’ll need reflection time, jet lag healing, readjustment, serious prayer, and a healthy amount of rest to re-enter with ease and grace. But can we be like-minded with Christ and see how much we all need to visit the secret quiet place with our King, away from the chaos of life. Consciousness. Grace. Humility. Love. Jesus.  That’s what it’s all about everyone. This season is slowly twisting into the the next, and it’s not about who served where or how. It’s a question of, “Did the people of God work together to share the wonder of a glorious King who offers freedom as a gift?” It’s incredible. 



Photo Cred: Ashley and Kayla.. Holla