I grew up in colorful Colorado until the age of 16 when my mom, sister and I moved to Texas. I miss the beauty of Colorado. We hiked, camped and spent a lot of time in the outdoors. I have always had a deep love for animals and at the age of 6 started riding horses. It became a huge passion in my life. The Lord gave me an opportunity at 10 to be able to work with a professional trainer. After many years I was able to have my own horse. I have had three horses now and they have blessed my life in many ways. I have one sister that just turned 12 years old. There is 11 years difference in our age. We have 2 golden doodle dogs and they are the best dogs ever. I love to ride horses, train animals, run, camp, hike, spend time in the mountains, boat, jet ski, swim. As you can tell I love the outdoors. 

I grew up in church and have been active in working with children age infant to 5th graders, homeless outreach, community service and missions. I felt the Lord calling me to missions at a very early age. I served at camp Barnabas when I was 14. It is a camp to share the love of Jesus with special needs campers, while showing them the time of their lives. I went on a mission trip to Macedonia when I was 16 with my church. We worked with the gypsy children in an orphanage, did construction work for the church and evangelized to people throughout the city. I also went on a one month mission trip with the backpackers church when I was 18 to Rome. We handed out bibles in Italian, prayed over people for healing, shared the gospel and held an open concert in the streets. 

I am currently working at Target as a manager, but know that the Lord is calling me to do more. He wants me to step way out of my comfort zone and reach people with His gospel. I am excited and nervous about the journey of going on the World Race. Please join me on this journey the Lord is taking me on. I appreciate all of your prayer and support.