You only get one chance. This thought runs through my mind
each time I leave one country and enter another. I pray that I took advantage
of every second God gave me. There is no going back. I pray that I loved each
of His children enough when it was needed. I hope that no time was wasted and I
was a good steward of everything given to me. There are no do-overs.

However, I am learning more and more that this trip is not
about doing amazing things overseas. It’s about learning to live life intentionally.
It’s about loving people wherever you are; immersing yourself in God’s grace
and love and then pouring that out onto the people around you, wherever God has
you. It’s all about Jesus. This month I was told, “Ministry comes in the wake of a life pursuing God.” Life is not about doing good
things, or trying to help people. It is about loving God and being a vessel,
and you only get one life.

Each moment consumed with my selfish desire is a moment I
will never get back. Every time I seek my own pleasure over God’s will, I have
wasted an opportunity that will never be there again. Luckily by the grace of
Christ, He can redeem each situation I screw up. He can love those I overlooked
because I was too busy. He can feed the hungry that I did not because I wanted
to feed myself. He can heal the broken hearted that I passed by in my race to accomplish my own agenda.
This month, I am going to have the amazing opportunity to
walk where Jesus did, and love the broken people of Israel. In order to fully
pursue the things God has for me, I am not going to use any technology that can
take away from my experience. I will be able to post a blog once a week, and
that is it. I will never be able to spend the month of December in Israel
again. I will never have Christmas in Jesus’ birthplace again; I must take full
advantage of the experience. I must be obedient to God’s call to love Him and love His people. I do not want to miss any opportunity. I do not want to have
any regrets.