Growing up in Prektey, Jack did not have the safe, plush
childhood a lot of children in America experience. After his mother deserted
him as an infant and his father died when he was five, Jack and his brother
bounced from family to family working around the house to earn a place to
sleep. Life was not easy. Finally, Jack was fortunate enough to live with a
Christian family who showed him the love and grace of Jesus. Jack’s new family
helped him through school, and is now helping him pursue a college degree.

Realizing how much God had blessed him, Jack wanted to do
more for the community that raised him. Each day on his way to class he passed
the shell of an old church. He prayed that God would reveal a purpose for the
empty building, a purpose that would advance God’s Kingdom. As Jack was waiting
on an answer to his prayer, he became acutely aware of the poverty surrounding
him, especially the conditions that hundreds of children were growing up in. He
wanted to give these children the same opportunity he had, the opportunity for
an education. As a full time university student, Jack obediently followed God’s
call and opened General Talent Training School, a school specifically for
children in poverty. It is Jack’s vision to pull kids out of poverty by
providing them with an education, teaching them English, and most importantly
teaching them about the saving grace of Jesus. 

As a full time student in Phnom Phen, Jack travels almost an
hour every morning, spends all day in classes, then comes back to teach
children at night. He even sleeps in the school. Since opening the GTTS in
November, Jack has worked tirelessly to promote his program, recruit teachers,
and provide a Godly environment for children to learn. At the moment all of his
students only come for part time English classes, but it is Jack’s vision to
open a full time primary school as well as develop the school into a ministry
in order to share the Gospel with the students. However, all of this comes at a

GTTS is in desperate need of funding. Jack is searching for
monthly sponsors to help cover overhead expenses and salaries for teachers. At
the moment, Jack can only afford to pay his teachers $10-$20 a month, and most simply
volunteer. It is Jack’s vision to be able to afford professional teachers and
eventually transportation for the students, although currently he simply needs
to be able to pay the bills and buy supplies and toys.

Hearing Jack’s story I could not only sit by and watch him
work hard to start a school from nothing. I heard God calling me to do more.
After teaching alongside Jack for two weeks, hearing his vision, and
experiencing his love for the students, I knew I had to help. While I do not have the resources to fund the school myself, I am in the process of helping Jack develop fund raising materials as well as committing to being on my knees for Jack and the children at the school.
Next Saturday, my team and I will leave Prektey and the students we have all fallen in love with. However, I am happy to leave a ministry that I know is committed to sharing the hope of Christ with children in Cambodia.