Over the past three days my team along with Team Phoenix
have been visiting the hospital in Mwanza and praying for the patients. The few
hours we have spent in the hospital have been exhausting. Being surrounded by
so much hurt and despair has caused me to lean into the Holy Spirit as my only
source of strength. Being surrounded by so many broken people made me wonder
why I have not had to experience such pain, but gave me an overwhelming
thankfulness for the grace God has shown me.

We began the week by praying for infants with brain swelling
and tumors. Each baby I held caused me to be on the brink of tears, wondering
why this did not happen to me. Each situation seemed so hopeless, but I had to
trust that God would heal each child. I prayed that each infant would grow into
a strong man or woman who would know the powerful love of Jesus that healed it.
I walked out overwhelmed by God’s grace for me and pleading for the faith to
believe that God healed each baby.

Walking into the next ward I thought it would be easier:
orthopedics, simply broken bones. However I was wrong. I met a young girl named
Esther who was obviously suffering from more than her broken leg tied to the
bed post. Her face was swollen and twisted with pain, which began the night
before and a doctor had not been to see her for three days. Looking down on
this sweet daughter of God I again wanted to burst into tears.  This beautiful girl was overtaken by an
infection that could be easily prevented and healed. I prayed for God to show
up and take this burden, and my heart continued to break for her. Millions of
thoughts began to run through my head. This is not how things should be. Esther
is barely conscious, lying on sheets that are clearly soiled from her own
urine. I wondered why that wasn’t me. Why can’t Esther be given the little
medicine it would take to heal her?  However, I continued to pray. I knew God could
heal her.

The faces of the babies, children, and men I have prayed for
over the past few days haunt me. I am broken and weary from carrying their
burdens to the only One who can heal them. I will continue to be on my knees
for each of them, and live in the faith knowing God can heal them. God did not
create us to experience pain, and Christ died to redeem our bodies as well as
our souls. I trust that God will heal each of His children that I met in order
that only He may gain the glory. I pray that I get to meet each one in heaven,
fully restored but now I lay their burdens at the foot of the Cross.

Come to me, all you who are weary and
burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yolk upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For
my yolk is easy and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30