Tomorrow our team will be flying to Romania then traveling to MOLDOVA! Yes, this is a country. It is located between Romania and The Ukraine and it is slightly larger than Maryland. We will be working with a ministry called Crossover helping them to plant churches in the villages. I really have no clue what that means, but for a few days we will be doing medical ministry.
While leaving the Lighthouse is going to be very sad, I am excited to get out of Dublin and living outside of a city for a while. We are not sure where we are staying yet, or what the conditions will be like, but we are pretty sure internet will be almost completely unavailable. Please continue to send updates and emails, but I will not be able to respond until the end of the month. After getting “Mold-OVA”, we will be going back to Bucharest, Romania on the 21 for debrief and the World Race reunion and then off to our next ministry.