At first glance, an outsider would be shocked to find out my
mother and I are from the same planet, much less the same family. Mamma is a
free spirited artist while I prefer structure, order, and routines. However,
after being away from home for almost ten months now, I have realized I have
been incredibly blessed by a mother who has given her life to make me happy.

Growing up with an artist-mom had many perks. I always had
the prettiest notes in my lunch box and the most fun activities at birthday
parties. These memories outweigh the complete embarrassment I felt in middle
school as I passed my mom, the art teacher, in her tie-died dresses while I was
wearing the latest sweater from Abercrombie and Fitch. However, my friends
still thought Mamma was the coolest teacher at North Side Middle and loved being
around her in and out of the classroom.

Watching my mom as a teacher, I learned the importance of
loving people for their potential. My mom always pushed her students to be and
do their best. Her classroom was a safe-haven for students who simply needed
love and attention. I watched my mom care for the broken hearted and provide an
outlet for kids who were dying to have their voice heard. I learned that people
did not have to be a product of their circumstances, and could overcome the
highest obstacles with the right support. Being in Mamma’s classroom was an
escape for students who had been tattered by a lack of love in their homes.

While Mamma had so much love in her classroom, there was
even more at home. She always pushed me to my full potential, and continually
praised me when I exceeded her expectations. The words “I love you,” were the
most spoken in our house. I could never lie to my mom because no matter what,
she always read my face. Countless times I remember simply looking at Mamma,
and without saying a word she would know exactly what happened to me. I would
proceed to burst into tears and she would open her arms and bring me into her
lap. I will never be too old to sit in Mamma’s lap and cry.

This year will be my first Mother’s Day spent apart from my
mom, but I think the year that I will appreciate her most. I am so thankful
that I have felt loved and supported each moment of my life. I have a mother
who has taught me to chase my dreams, and that even if I fall flat on my face
she will be proud of me. Mamma has given me more than I have deserved, yet
cries because she wishes she could give more. God has blessed me with the best
mother I could ask for, even if we think with different sides of our brains.

Happy Mother’s Day Mamma! I love you!