The saltier the better.

Salt can be used to identify and heal open wounds. Have you ever stepped into the ocean and felt the intense sting come from an open wound. The pain can be overwhelming in the moment. As the salt is sprinkled, the pain is the process of the salt cleaning and healing. The pain can be unbearable and undesirable but necessary. Culturally, our actions as Christians may reveal some wounds in cultures that need more of Jesus in their daily lives rather than on “Holy days”.


In Matthew 5:13-14 we are called to be the salt and light of the world. This month our team sprinkled some Jesus salt in the village. No where in the bible does it say that it would be an easy task. Many Christians who followed through with the radical plans that God had for them were not treated with respect from others, such as Paul, Daniel and Joseph. They were only called to follow God through thick and thin.


Wednesday afternoon Sarah, Cindy and Rachael went to town to get internet, as usual. When David, Athena and I came back from the store in the village we found two newly shaven heads, glowing hearts and stunning women of God. Their boldness, obedience and beauty shone more than ever before. Read their perspective for more information on their reasons and journey at:

Rachael Miller-

Cindy Nickell-

This month our team only focused on children's ministry. The kids would come in the morning play games, sing songs and learn about God's love and ability to have a personal relationship with Him. The next day we went back in the morning for ministry, Cindy and Rachael covered their heads to respect the culture. The kids didn't treat them any differently and the day just seemed like another day, or so we thought. Thursday we got a call from our contact telling us that Rachael and Cindy had to leave the village. It was all of us or none of us. We got to say our good-byes to the kids on Friday morning and packed our bags and respectfully left, leaving our trace of Jesus salt behind.


Salt is powerful. It adds flavor and life to many foods, maximizing the flavor and potential to make an impact on a food palette. Palettes are all unique, some taste buds are stronger than others. If they experience a little too much of one flavor, you reject it. However, you start to realize how good it tasted and may crave more. Culturally, the Jesus salt we sprinkled was too strong- however it did help provide a glimpse of what its like to follow, obey and pursue Jesus personally. Although we did not get to see anything life changing and exciting happen in the village. We did what we were called to do. We were the salt that they needed as a culture in order that when more salt came along they would be more willing to accept the idea of having a personal relationship with Jesus.

You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill can not be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

-Matthew 5:13-16

Challenge: Respectfully be the salt and light that others have never tasted nor seen, in hopes to show them the beauty of a true relationship with God. You may be rejected, but do not get discouraged, you at least helped them become more aware of the freedom that Christ brings. Freedom from worldly pleasures, expectations and cultural norms. It most likely won't be an easy road to trek, but the benefits outweigh the costs.

Fundraising Update: Thank you for all of the support thus far, I am eternally grateful for support in all forms- emotionally, spiritually and financially. The next deadline to have  $11,000 in my account is coming up on October 1. Thank you for taking the time to invest time and financial resources in me and my story, feel free to share with anybody and everybody in hopes that salt will reach every corner of the nations.