
I would like to begin by thanking you for taking the time to read this letter.  My name is Lee Cole, and I am 25 years old. I grew up in Spartanburg, SC with loving parents and friends, but I found myself in the midst of a downward spiral that stripped everything that was ever important to me, away from me. When I was younger I was very outgoing with a large group of friends. However, when I got tired of trying to fit in and just be the “popular guy”, I regrettably turned to drugs and alcohol. I questioned everything I did and was constantly worrying about what others would think. It eventually got to a point where my every thought was consumed by how others viewed me, which unfortunately led to me doing what at the time I thought was my only way out. When I was 13, I experimented with drugs for the first time. I escaped…and I loved it.

I started using some sort of mind altering substance at the age of 13. It began with Marijuana. In my head I felt like I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I didn’t think there would be any consequences and I just wanted to do what all of the other “cool” kids were doing. When I was high I thought I had life all figured out. It gave me the mind set of no longer caring what others thought. I never wanted the feeling to go away. That longing feeling led me from one drug to the next, causing my life to take a huge turn. It took me 10 years of using on a daily basis to figure out that something needed to change.

This change occurred when I finished going through Faith Home. I then began the discipleship program Cross Anchor Ministries, a twelve month discipleship program for drug addicts and alcoholics. By their help and the Grace of God, I am proud to be 9 months sober today.

The reason I am opening up and discussing my personal journey, is because I would like to ask for your help. I could not be more grateful for my 9 months of sobriety, and I’m excited to see that amount of time grow. My sobriety has provided me with so much clarity, and I never want to let another opportunity pass me by because of my selfish acts.

With that being said, I have the opportunity to do something amazing, something that not all people can do, and most importantly something that I think will change my life in ways sobriety and A.A. cannot. The World Race is a Christian missionary trip through Adventures in Missions, spanning 11 months to 11 countries, spending 1 month in each Country.  On this trip we will work with local churches and organizations to meet the needs of the people while spreading the gospel to those that may have never heard God’s name.

The Lord put this trip on my heart 3 years ago, but it was one of the many opportunities I let pass me by. I give all the credit for my sobriety to the Lord. Without him I would be nowhere, and I most certainly would not be sober. I have received help from sponsors, sobriety family, my actual family, and A.A, but His forgiveness and mercy is what got me where I am today.

I felt like it was important to explain my story to you and to tell you the path I took to get where I am today. There are many things I went through that I shouldn’t have even survived, but for some reason the Lord continued to give me second chances, which is why I will not let the opportunity to go on The World Race pass me by again.

I used to think that having to ask for help was a sign of weakness, but I’ve learned that giving and helping others is what gives you strength. To go on The World Race, I must raise $18,200. I want to humbly ask for financial help (see the link below), but I also want to ask you for prayers. I have no idea what my future holds, but I do know that I cannot do this alone. I am eternally grateful for any thoughts and prayers for my upcoming journey.

I am ready to live a new life. Instead of looking back on my mistakes and regrets, I want to look forward and focus on continuing to better myself more and more every day. While my life has improved drastically during these past 9 months, I feel as if this is only the beginning. Even if all you can do is send a kind thought or prayer my way, it is extremely appreciated. Whatever you may choose to donate, please know that you are playing a huge role in changing my life forever.

Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program you are involved in. All contributions are non-refundable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.

If you wish to donate online, please visit:  http://leecole.theworldrace.org/

If you wish to donate via Mail/Check:

–          P.O. Box 742570, Atlanta, GA 30374-2570

–          Memo Line: Lee Cole