We are in India. Here you leave the airport feeling like an alien from outer space—everyone is intrigued with the way you look and act. Here the food burns your mouth with various sweet and savory flavors, and riding in traffic, you experience sensory overload with a constant symphony of honking horns and loud mufflers. The language barrier is tough, but smiling is universal, so is laughing! Risks are plentiful, but they are also worth it. Tap water is unsafe, but so are fruits and vegetables that are without tough skin. Being a missionary is questionable and frowned upon, but God is there, and He will make a way.
We are in India. The scent of freshly made curry and various baked goods waft through the open windows. Cows, bulls, dogs, and pigs walk the streets around and through busy traffic. One seated scooters hold 2-4 people while speeding between cars, buses, and other forms of transportation as if there are no rules saying otherwise whatsoever.
We are in India.
We are in awe, speechless even.
India has captured our hearts.
We are in love.
This is really happening.
We are really here.