Yesterday we had a 15 hour travel day to Idaho. Today was our first day of ministry at a food pantry. I was exhausted from traveling and wasn’t thrilled to be up and out the door this morning, but I left ministry feeling completely different. The way I saw God move today is almost beyond words, but I will do my best to share my experience with you…


The pantry was fully stocked with food-staples, frozen items, produce, and they even had ice cream treats to pass out. As people arrived they pulled their vehicle into a line, gave their information (family size and name) and waited for their boxes. 

A group of volunteers was working hard inside to fill the orders. Four people from my team and our host chose to join the team that was working outside. As people went through the line, volunteers took time to talk with them, see how they’re doing, and ask if they can pray. 


Kylie and I spoke to a single Mom who has 2 girls. She asked for prayer as they begin their online school. As Kylie was praying, I received a vision and asked if I could share it. I saw a red rose, but what stood out was the strength of the stem on the rose. Because of the strength, not only was the mother able to bloom, but her daughters as well. 

The woman thanked me, then shared part of her story. She had a boutique store that closed last year and is in the process of creating an online boutique. My mouth dropped when she told me that name…


Guys! You can’t make this stuff up! She told us that her husband passed away 6 years ago and tries to be strong for her girls. We thanked her for being such a strong mother and walked away thanking God for His presence. 


Another woman asked for prayer for her friend. She didn’t want to share too many details, but that the woman had a restraining order against her husband and was going through a divorce. As I prayed for protection and healing, Annie received a vision of a lighthouse. She shared with the woman that she is a beacon of protection for those around her, and God is her source. 


We were humbled by the number of people spending their time to serve the community. We spent some time talking with a man that has the most interesting story I’ve ever heard, and is a natural storyteller. 

These are only a few out of the many moments and lives that were touched from today. Moments like these bring strength and energy to my spiritual body, even when my physical body is weak and tired. 


At the end of ministry a few of us needed to find a coffee shop to kill time while another team member worked on some logistics. We looked at multiple places and were struggling to make a decision. I kept feeling like I wanted to go to Starbucks but didn’t want to be selfish (I love my matcha). After stopping at a Boba Tea place and not seeing many seats, we drove to Starbucks instead. As I ordered my drink the older gentleman at the counter asked where we were from. I listed off our states and he was curious what brought us to Idaho. I shared a little about the world race, that we were overseas, and are now traveling through the US. He then told us that his daughter is about to leave for a 9 month mission trip to Ireland. 


While I sat by the window writing this blog, a teenage girl and her brother walked in and sat at a table near me. I didn’t really notice them at first, but Hannah did and said she was going to spend some time praying for her. Later on I found out that she had been highlighted to Kylie as well. When I looked at her, my heart started racing and my hands were shaking-it’s moments like these that I know God wants me to speak. I asked Him what He wanted to say. 

This is the verse I wrote down:

“If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you?” ??Matthew? ?6:30 ?MSG??

As we prepared to leave I walked up to her and this is what I said:

“My friends and I are traveling through the US serving and praying for people. When you walked in I prayed for you and I felt like the Lord wanted to tell me that you are beautiful. Not just physically, but you have a beautiful soul. You are seen and known.”

She smiled, had the kindest eyes, and thanked me. She asked about our trip, I told her about the world race, and the countries we had visited. With excitement in her voice she told me that they lived in Malaysia for 7 years! Her parents were missionaries! 

Again, you can’t make this stuff up! We chatted about Penang, Thailand, and she thanked me again for the words I gave her. 


This is what obedience looks like.The Lord reminded me of Psalms 37:4 “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” I didn’t just desire Starbucks for myself, it was also the Lord’s desire. He was leading me there-and we almost didn’t go! The more we commune with the Lord, the more our desires will align with His desires. God wanted us to meet that man. He wanted us to pray for that girl. He wanted me to have a conversation with her. He wanted me to go to the food pantry even though I was tired  

I encourage you to step out in obedience today, to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, to do hard things knowing it’s His power working in you. And if you don’t know the Lord, maybe now’s the time to take that step in faith. We don’t know what tomorrow holds, so why wait?