My alarm went off way too early morning after morning. I’d force myself out of bed and go straight for the coffee. It was the only thing that got me through the work day. I’d get to the school and give all the energy I could muster up to my students. Then I’d drink more coffee to make it until 2:30 pm. I’d go home and sink into the couch, too exhausted to do anything else. No matter how much sleep I got, I felt like this day after day. I had brain fog, migraines, mood swings, weight loss, acne, and digestive issues.
I didn’t get sick all at once. It was gradual. When I realized I was getting worse and not better, I went to see my doctor. My Uncle had been diagnosed with Celiac Disease a few years prior. Lab work confirmed what I suspected and I was sent to a gastroenterologist. He performed an endoscopy where he discovered stomach ulcers, gastritis and almost complete atrophy of villi.
What is Celiac Disease?
When I eat gluten, it triggers an autoimmune response on my body. The small intestine is lined with villi, which absorb nutrients. When I eat gluten, my body attacks those villi. When they are damaged, my body can’t absorb nutrients properly.
After my doctor explained how Celiac affects my body, he prescribed medicine for the ulcers and referred me to a nutritionist.
He didn’t tell me I’d get worse before I got better.
He didn’t tell me I’d mourn the foods I could no longer eat.
He didn’t tell me that it would take hours to grocery shop as I learned to read labels and search for hidden ingredients.
These things, and so many others, I discovered on my own. I cut out gluten and thought I would get better, but I didn’t. It was just the first step to years of healing.
My body had been under attack and I didn’t understand the severity. I continued to struggle with joint pain, fatigue, bloating, and many other symptoms. I couldn’t exercise. I got sick easily. I had to spend hours planning and prepping food.
I didn’t understand what was happening, and no one could seem to help. So, I took it into my own hands. I read books, listened to podcasts, and searched for doctors that might be able to help. At the end of a week at home with the flu, I searched “autoimmunity” on Facebook. I came across a video titled “Why SIBO/Paleo diets didn’t fix your gut problem.” I had been eating strictly paleo and while it was helpful, I knew it wasn’t solving the problem.
A few minutes into the video, tears streamed down my face. Finally. Someone understood. Someone knew how I felt and what I was going through.
It has been two years since I started seeing Dr. Joe and I’ve never been more thankful for functional medicine. After watching his video I reached out. He was all the way across the country and I didn’t know if he could help, but I had hope. A 15 minute phone call turned into labs, bloodwork, video and phone appointments, and one trip to California. I slowly started to see improvements in my health.
Somewhere in the process I started seeking God. I was trying to fix the physical symptoms without doing the hardest part-the spiritual and emotional healing. But, I was tired of the way I was living, tired of feeling lost, broken, and like I was never enough. I made lifestyle changes-ended relationships, moved back home, and stopped drinking. I spent more time in prayer, reading my bible, and trusting in God.
Not surprisingly, I saw a big chance in my health. I started sleeping through the night, the frequency of migraines decreased, and I was able to reintroduce foods that my body had not tolerated in years.
My health was one of the biggest deciding factors when I committed to the World Race. Although I’ve experienced immense healing, I still struggle with flare-ups. I was nervous about the way my body would handle jet lag, foreign food, and many unknowns. But, God’s faithfulness brought me healing-and if he wanted me to go on the race, he would provide a way.
During my last appointment before I leave, Dr. Joe said, “Your labs look great.” I hung up the phone and just sat there in awe over God’s goodness. Look how far he has brought me. Two years ago I never would’ve believed my body could handle the stress a trip like this brings.
A few weeks ago I got on my knees to pray. I’ve been experiencing trials and fear as time gets closer to leaving. I shared my struggles with someone and he said, “Lauren, you’re working out your faith.” I didn’t understand what he meant at first, but the Lord has spent the past couple weeks showing me.
Two different people on my squad have pointed me toward Hebrews 11-which is all about faith. This morning’s sermon was titled, “God’s Faithfulness.” Every single piece of the service, including worship and the conversations after, spoke straight to my heart.
Faith isn’t saying, “God, show me your plan and then I’ll follow you.”
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
Faith is, “God, I know you’re good and I know you love me. I don’t know what it is you’re doing or why, but I trust you.”
“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15
Faith is taking a step into the unknown, knowing God is big enough to lead us every step of the way. He always comes through. God is faithful despite our unfaithfulness.
I have a tendency to respond in fear, rather than faith, longing to remain in comfort. But, if I’m always comfortable, if everything made sense, I wouldn’t need faith and I wouldn’t need God. And I don’t want to live in a world where I don’t need God.
Even now, my fear has been searching for a way to stay home instead of leaving. I could choose that, I would not be walking in obedience. Thankfully, the spirit of God is stronger and He reminds me that I’m not doing this alone.
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” James 1:2-3
My health, leaving for 11 months, relationships, it’s in these trials that I find my faith in God.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28