There are moments that I start to panic and wonder what I have gotten myself into. 


“I can’t leave me family for that long.”

“That’s a lot of money to raise.”

“How am I going to carry everything I need on my back?”


But, God. I can’t do this, but God can. I can’t raise $20,000, but God can. I can’t leave for 11 months, but with God I can. 

That’s the point in this-to abandon everything I know for the sake of the kingdom. I needed a radical change in my life. A change that forced me to rely completely on Him. A change that had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with Him. And this is where He lead me, so I’m following.

We don’t know exactly what we’ll be doing in each country, but can get an idea based on the country’s struggles and needs. In fact, we won’t even know where we’ll be staying until about a month before we’re in the country. Dependency on God will be so real and so necessary! 

If you know me, you know I like to be prepared. I feel more secure and at ease when there is a plan and I know what to expect. That being said, the next year will be a huge time of growth for me in unexpected ways. I recently did a little research on each country to give myself and my followers a little clarity about the work I’ll be doing. Here is a summary: 



  • Located in Southeast Asia between Indian and Pacific oceans
  • World’s largest island country with more than 17,000 islands-WOW!
  • Largest muslim country in the world
  • Over 700 languages are spoken
  • Possible work: 
    • Serving refuges from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran, teaching them English and other practical skills


  • Southeast Asia
  • One of the most competitive economies in Asia
  • 61% practice islam and 19% Buddhism, majority have never heard the gospel
  • Possible work:
    • in the jungle working in remote villages
    • reaching out to 200,00 children living on the streets
    • work with schools or churches
    • children or adults with special needs
    • homeless shelters or orphanages


  • Southeast asia
  • Only southeast Asian country that was never colonized by a European country
  • 90% are Buddhist
  • In Buddhist culture, women work to support their families so men can earn spiritual merit as monks. Many parents send their daughters to work in cities where the only option is prostitution.


  • Southeast Asia
  • Political groups have fought ongoing war for over 60 years
  • Political unrest and human right violations have led to 200,000 refugees residing within Myanmar and neighboring countries


  • South Asia
  • Home to Mt, Everest
  • One of the least developed nations of the world
  • Most rugged and difficult mountain terrain of the world
  • Majority of population is Hindu
  • Most people live in villages or small market centers
  • Only 1 major city
  • Will be sharing the gospel with marginalized people


  • South Asia
  • 1.3 billion people
  • One of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world
  • Partnering with a local movement to plant 100,000 churches
  • Will travel from village to village preaching and praying for families

South Africa-

  • Southernmost tip of African continent
  • Known for soccer, safaris, and shark diving
  • Although they live in one of the wealthiest countries on the continent, most of the population outside of the big cities are poor
  • Struggles with a high rate of HIV


  • Africa
  • Highest HIV rate in the world
  • 40% of Swazi children are orphans
  • Mothers are often left widowed and with no means to support their hungry children, due to lack of education


  • Africa
  • 2nd highest rate of HIV
  • 90% Christian with one of the highest literacy rates in Africa
  • 40% of the population lives below the poverty line and children are often forced to work instead of go to school


  • Africa
  • Amnesty International reports that the current government has allowed human rights violations in Zimbabwe to escalate for years. A recent economic meltdown has led thousands to emigrate or be displaced within the country.


  • Africa
  • One of the seven natural wonders of the world: Victoria falls
  • Home to 73 tribes who speak 20 different languages
  • People still suffer from poverty, short life expectancy, malnourishment, lack of clean water, and the HIV/AIDS crisis
  • Christianity is the official religion in Zambia, but the local church needs support for a solid Biblical foundation to raise up the next generation


I love traveling and what a way to do it! I can’t believe I have to opportunity to go to so many places, serve others, and share the word of God. I am blessed beyond measure.