Identity has a mysterious stigma surrounding it. It seems that our culture is obsessed with self-discovery– how to find out who you really are. And until you know exactly who you are, you are lost. The answer to that question may, for many, be found in a multitude of places: what others say about you, how good your grades are, whether you’re an athlete or not, what career you’re in, how much money you make, or your past successes or failures. 

But the thing about these is, they are all insignificant at the end of the day. Although all of these may be things you do, they do not define your true identity. That identity can only be found in Christ.

Yes, we are all created in the image of God, but each one of us is still unique.

God wants to show everyone who they are, if we would just ask Him.

My team leader, RJ, led a session on our last night in Argentina that explained the importance of our unique identities, and gave us all the opportunity to sit and ask the Lord who we are, and let me tell you, that was one of my favorite moments from last month.

I could see how powerfully their identity impacted each of my squadmates, and many of the YWAM staff and students joined in as well.

Here is who God told me that I am:




-creative problem-solver

-I serve, but I’m more than a servant








-I go outside the lines

-a fighter



-a work of art being restored

-a rare gem

Receiving my identity from the Lord means that I don’t need to seek it from anywhere or anyone else. I can be secure in who He says I am, and He would definitely know better than even myself. 

I encourage you to ask Him who YOU are, and I’m confident that if you wait on Him, He will answer you.


On another note, I still need financial support! I’m about $5000 away from being fully funded. Anything you give, the Lord will multiply– any amount will be a huge blessing to the people my team and I are serving, to me, and it will be a blessing for you as well. Thank you!