How often have you taken a long, honest look at the state of humanity and thought to yourself, “I really wish I could do something about this”? Whether it’s seeing people living on the streets, or standing by the road asking for food, or seeing kids go to bed hungry, or seeing people go through the motions of life, seeking something more meaningful but not finding it — we all feel that longing to help in some way.

Many of us look down and keep walking. Some of us part with a handful of loose change in hopes of making a difference in someone’s life. Few of us realize the reality that we can impact the world in ways we can’t even imagine. I had certainly been wavering between the first two categories for the vast majority of my life. Until October, I had been wondering what God had in store for me after the completion of my college experience. I was so caught up in the idea that I had to find some sort of job somewhere that would offer everything I wanted, and still make a difference, that I was missing out on what His plans are. I wanted a well-paying job that would make me feel important and valued and talented, where I could make decisions that might benefit people who are struggling, like refugees or people impacted by all of the violence that consumes the world we are living in. 

Then I was hit with the realization that although those are all good things, they aren’t enough. They aren’t enough for me, and not enough for the people that I wanted to help. Living comfortably isn’t how growth happens. It’s outside of my comfort zone that God works. I realized that I had to step out of the boat I was in, and walk into the storm where Jesus is to encounter Him in his fullness. And although there are a lot of ways to help struggling people through the jobs I had been seeking, it’s not enough. I felt that God was calling me to give those people more than anything I could offer– to give them what only God offers: the hope of salvation, and the love of God.

This is the heart of why I’m doing the World Race — leaving my comfort zone to seek a deeper relationship with the Lord, and following his instructions in bringing his message to the ends of the earth. 

But this isn’t something that I can or will accomplish on my own.

It takes a team to do ministry, and I want to invite you to be a part of this mission. There are a few ways that you can partner with me:

1) Prayer: Prayer is truly the most critical thing anyone could do to support this ministry. Nothing happens without God, and I would ask for your time and effort to pray for me, that God would use me as a tool to accomplish his mission. 

2) Subscribe: By subscribing to my blog, you can stay up to date on where I am and what I’m doing, and how the Lord is working in me and in the communities in which I’ll be doing ministry in the coming months. 

3) Support: Vital to my participation in the World Race is fundraising. I invite you to give financial support to put your desire to make a difference into action. I need your help to raise the funds that will cover the cost of all of my food, travel, transportation, lodging and insurance for the full eleven months. If you can give, please do so! You can donate by clicking on the “Donate” tab to the left.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you will partner with me to change the world for Jesus! 

Matthew 16:24-16 “Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his live will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?'”