It’s funny the way that God works. Everyone says He speaks in mysterious ways, which I find to be true some of the time. However, I fully believe that God is very humorous, and loves to watch us face palm as we realize the things he has been telling us all along.


When deciding to take my gap year, it wasn’t easy. If you know me well, you’d know that I, in fact, have changed what I wanted to do with my life around a million or so times. (Its true.. ask my parents). I remember day dreaming about running off to New York and being a singer, then having that dream flush down the toilet when I discovered my intense stage fright. Then I remember binge watching every season of Greys Anatomy and deciding I wanted to be a doctor. That went out the window after getting my blood drawn for the first time. After that, I knew for a very sure fact that I wanted to go into the marines. It was tough and boyish and something that I could love doing. After speaking to my first recruiter, my mind changed. There was no way I could sign a 4 year binding contact.. What if half way through, I changed my mind and wanted to be a paleontologist?! Or a Marine biologist?! 


It’s true that I never stop dreaming. I’m always in this fairytale land of ambitions that aren’t quite directed in any particular way. There’s only two things that have always remained constant: my intense desire to travel, and God. 


I’ve known from the get-go that traveling was what He was calling me to do. There was, and still is, no doubt in my mind about that. So when I chose to take my gap year, it was as if 1,000 lbs. had been lifted off my shoulders (sorry my senior friends, but have fun in school!!!!). I still stress over college but there’s nothing more exciting and relieving for me to imagine my life next year, doing God’s work here on earth. This next year is going to be tough, although incredibly enlightening and uplifting. In October 2016, I launch on my mission to Guatemala, Malawi and Thailand for 9 months. My teammates and I will be doing all kinds of work for ministries along the way. This could be working with orphanages, teaching english, working with women/children in sex trafficking, and of course, spreading the gospel!


The purpose of this first post is just to keep everyone informed on my thoughts, plans and reasons for going on this big adventure! I’ll be posting every now and than leading up to my departure, then about every 2 weeks while I’m out on the field! If you’re feeling particularly generous today, you can help me out by pressing the support me button and following the directions from there OR  just keeping me in your prayers during this huge step!


Leave any questions you might have in the comments, and I will try and answer them. Thank you all and God Bless!