Helloooo! Thank you for being curious enough about my existence that you chose to visit the “about me” section on my blog. Whether you know me well, or are just interested in my abnormally average life, I’m glad you made it this far. We can grit our teeth and endure my horrendous writing skills together.


First off, my name is Lauren Garrison and I live in Portland, Oregon. It’s raining here 9 out of 12 months of the year, and I absolutely love it. The best thing about living in Oregon, is you can always make solid conversation with somebody by complaining about the weather. As much as Oregonians complain about the rain, we will probably complain about the heat just as much. We’re big complainers out here in the PNW.


I live with my mom, dad and older brother, Evan. I love my family more than anything. They are all huge supporters in my decision to go on the World Race. God blessed me with three amazing people in my life that give me advice, and help me become the person that I want to be. They are definitely pretty rad.


In my free time, I love working out, or watching hours of netflix on my laptop (yes, I consider binge watching 10 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy a hobby). However, most of my time is taken up by rugby! I am captain on my high school team, Lady Barbarians, and in the summer I play for an all-star team, Rugby Oregon Redhawks. Rugby is basically my entire life, and I absolutely love it. It’s made me the person that I am today, and I will forever be thankful for the sport.


I really have no idea what I should put here so here are some fun facts about myself:

  • I’m only 5’2 ½ or so. Second to smallest girl on my rugby team- it’s awesome.

  • I am either talking your head off or being emo in the corner by myself, there is no inbetween.

  • My rugby team won state last year!

  • If i could eat one thing everyday for the rest of my life, it would be bananas.

  • Regardless of my banana love affair, I hate most fruit. Watermelon makes me want to puke.

  • My biggest fear is zombies. I wish I was kidding.

  • My favorite author is Stephen King.

  • I currently am a scrum half on my rugby team


I’m going to try and be as real as I possibly can on this blog; that’s my commitment to you. The biggest goal that I have for this mission trip is to work on finding my identity solely in the Lord, and let me be myself; mistakes and all. I won’t try and hide anything because I believe that whatever God is teaching me, it is just as valuable to someone at home.


Thank you for being curious on who I am, and let’s take this journey together.