Two weeks ago I got the sweetest opportunity to be joined by my parents in Ecuador. I am thankful to again be joined on the field by my parents, 2 years ago they left home to see what I’m apart of on this completely different journey. The again said yes, and flew to a new continent. They joined me in worship, ministry, and seeing what it’s like to be leading young people in Ecuador. I am so thankful for the influence both of them have had on my life and for the things I’ve attained from them.


I couldn’t be more proud to be the daughter of Ernie & Sheryl Acosta—and here’s why.


Dear Dad,


Thank you for showing me what it looked like to have a strong work ethic—what it looks like to finish a project. Thank you for always allowing me to help (and often times forcing my help) with projects around the house. Thank you for giving me basic skills and an understanding of tools—and for that pink toolbox you gave me a few years ago.


Thank you for never looking at me differently because I was a girl/ or I am a woman. Thank you for still requiring the same out of me that you’d require of Edward. Thanks for letting me work outside with you when I was 6 with my shirt off, because it’s what the boys were doing.


Thank you for constantly pushing me to be better. Thank you for being willing to correct me and see me step into improvement. I will always remember you coming to my sports games in high school and placing your arm around me and letting me know how I could rebound better, hit better placements, or turn double plays faster.


Dad, thank you for teaching me your love for the outdoors. Thank you for teaching me at a young age how to shoot a gun, how to gut a fish, and how to set up decoys. Thank you for always inviting me into joining you in the outdoors and still do—like the day after I arrive home.


Thank you for your kindness and gentleness—for the way you’d come talk to me about anything. Thank you for always cooking my favorite things when I come home.


You are an amazing man and the things you’ve taught me as your daughter have translated into my spiritual life. My love of outdoors has turned into the place I most feel the Lord. The ability to finish the things I’ve started have made staying present in the season I’m currently in much easier—rather than constantly just looking ahead to the future. And the way you’ve corrected me since I was young has made it so much easier for me to speak into others lives—in the ways they can step into deeper things.


I love you much,

