The day started at 4AM. It started a 2 hour drive, where we may or may not have feared for our lives, as we made hair-pin turns. It started with the arrival to Queen Elizabeth National Park. It started with one incredible sunrise. It started when we acted like kids at the circus for the first time. It started with Babar.

We saw antelope…
We saw vultures…
We saw “What was God thinking” animals…
We saw, “Peek-a-boo”….
We saw cranes….
Hello there, Mzungu (white person)…
We saw elephants on parade…
We saw the Congo….
We experienced the “Real Life” Jungle Cruise (sorry Disneyland, Uganda has you beat)…
We saw some water buffalo (What you looking at?)….
Look a hippopotamus named Rhino (Anyone remember that book?, A Porcupine Named Fluffy)….
Some other funny looking flying creatures….
No wiggling ears, we’re safe, Phew……