I want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and support. Without your diligent prayer and giving none of this would have been possible. We (you and I) touched lives in 15 countries and left a little light everywhere my feet touched. You were a part of this journey too, I just went in your place. God will bless you for your willingness to give and for your constant support in His work. 

While The Race was a pretty epic journey it’s not even going to compare for what’s to come. Some of you are aware that I really enjoy my time in the kitchen and I have always joked about having my own restaurant one day. I never thought it would ever be possible. Just like when I heard about The World Race, I thought it would be fun, but not for me. And here I am; I’ve finished it. Month 5 God gave me the dream of having a coffee shop/bakery to help those coming out of sex trafficking and He is calling me to the Atlanta area. Why Atlanta? It is #1 in the US for sex trafficking and my heart is tugging to be there. Connections are being made, people are being set in place, ministries are available, and I can see the light at the end of a very long tunnel. 

Am I ready? No. The fear of the unknown terrifies me. It’s going to be a bumpy ride, but I’m jumping in with both feet.  It may be ugly at times, but it will  be raw and real. No one is perfect, we all have stories, we all have scars, we all have past hurts and struggles, but there is REDEMPTION! Find out what’s next by following my new blog site www.redemptivescars14.wordpress.com

It’s been real!!