The month was different than any other month. It was manistry month, meaning the men on the squad leave their normal teams and have a month as just men. Team Radical girls were combined with Team Relentless girls and then adding another girl a few days later making us a team of 11. After our 36 hour bus ride we arrived in Phenom Penh, Cambodia working at an orphanage called Bykota House. On our way we received news that our ministry contact had to go back to the states because their son passed away. So we were left in the hands of a strong young couple, Micah and Kelsi. Our original contact has 3 younger adopted children who didn’t have visas to leave the country so they were left in the care of Micah and Kelsi along with their own 3 young children. 4 toddlers and 2 infants is a lot to take care of. Plus they were left in charge of the school and taking care of the other team arriving about 2 weeks in. The Liberty team as they were called gives a lot of money to the orphanage so we had to make sure they were treated very well.

In the mornings 7 of us worked with the 9 middle schoolers tutored them in English and the others worked with preschoolers or special needs. After our lunch break it was time to work with the 5 elementary/3 high school students. Most of my time this month was spent either baby sitting or cooking. I absolutely loved being in the kitchen to cook for the Liberty team and then in the evenings to cook for my team. When I’m cooking I am completely in my element and don’t have to think about anything. Sometimes I just have a conversation with Jesus or with whoever is cooking with me. My love for cooking has grown so much over the past year and I know it’s because Jesus has some great things in store for me after the race. This month because of my obedience to the Lord so much has been revealed about my future and it’s scary and exciting at the same time. Can’t wait to share with you all in a blog soon I come.

I have to say I am so happy to be out of Cambodia. It was a very draining month for me and a lot of people on my squad. There was quite a bit of sickness, several accidents (one to the point where a squad mate had been and still is in Thailand for treatment), spiritual warfare in our house, and so much more. Satan was trying to hinder b-squad, but we are not giving him the glory. Can’t stop, won’t stop…we are marching forward with our armor on ready to face whatever comes our way.

Please be in prayer for all of us. 3 squad mates have dads who have been diagnosed with cancer. 1 of them has gone home already, another is leaving by the end of the month, and the other is still undecided. Pray for strength and unity for our teams, wisdom for each other, and energy to keep moving forward. I love you all and thank you for your continued prayer and support.