Yesterday was a day of prayer for Team Radical. We prayed together as team to start off, then randomly throughout the day and to ourselves. We ended up at a remote beach that was 2 hours away from Dawei, Myanmar/Burma and there is not a good enough word to describe what we saw. It was absolutely breathtaking! We were able to pray along the road for villages we passed by and for the yet developed areas of the country. There was no agenda just prayer and the Holy Spirit’s guidance. 

After lunch the team went to go sit at these picnic tables under a hut to relax and do whatever. I was reading my Bible and this man walks up to me and holds his hand out then signals that he wants food. I started praying to see if he was legit or if he just wanted money to pay for some kind of habit. The restaurant owner then came down to where we were sitting and made him leave. The man went to sit under a tree and Jesus said to me to go get him food. I took Kimberly with me and I got him a bottle water and some food while he was still sitting by the tree. He then came up and sat outside the restaurant and just smiled at me. When is food was ready I brought it to him and just sat beside him while he began to eat. I tried asking him what his name was and the other men started laughing and hit their head to tell me that he was dumb. When he spoke I could tell something was wrong with him, there was some kind of speech impediment there. The other men continued to laugh, but that didn’t stop me. The man just kept his head down and occasionally would look at me and smile. I gave him a gospel tract written in Burmese and prayed over him and left. When I went to change into my bathing suit I looked back and he was still eating, but the men who were laughing at him handed the tract back to him. I don’t know if they read it to him or if they wanted to see what it was all about, but through that small gesture and listening to the Holy Spirit at least 3 got ahold of the gospel. 

You can’t always give to everyone who comes to you asking for money, but you shouldn’t turn all of them away either. Who knows it could be Jesus coming to ask you for food. Pray and ask the Lord what he would have you to do. God used me even before I knew him for stuff like this and it just goes to show how the puzzle pieces of life connect. It’s up to us to listen to that still small voice. When the Lord places it on your heart to help, do it! It doesn’t matter if people are laughing at you!