South Africa is absolutely gorgeous! God is my favorite artist and His work is absolutely breathtaking here. Words and pictures don’t do it justice, you just have to make your way here someday and I’d be happy to come back with you :).


I’m sorry it has takes so long to get this blog up. Our wifi is very limited so it takes time. 


My team has been extremely blessed this month! We get to stay in host homes and we really are spoiled by our host. She cooks and does our laundry for us, we have a shower, we all have our own bed, and we have a toilet. She doesn’t like us to help her because she likes to serve us, but we made a deal that if she cooks we clean and we usually get to do the cleaning but sometimes she sneaks and does it when we are away.


Well, you probably have been wondering what I’ve been doing since getting here. Let me just preface, being on the World Race means being flexible and having no expectations and that was very evident once we got off the 14 hour plane ride to Johannesburg, SA. Our first night we slept on the ground in the airport because we couldn’t get in touch with the hostel we were supposed to stay at. Then we got on a bus for 18 hours. Yeah forget getting on a sleep schedule lol…we were told we would be working with a sports camp and 6 teams would be together and that didn’t quite happen like it was supposed to either. All the teams have been split up in the area and are doing different ministries. Some teams are even split into multiple host homes (like mine is). My team is working at Marine Primary school and instead of having a sports camp and assisting in the classrooms we have been covering textbooks with plastic. So far we have covered about 700 books and counting. Some may think it’s boring but we have been getting to know each other and have been sharing our testimonies with one another. It’s amazing to see how the Lord has transformed each and every one of us. During the day we get 2 15 minute breaks to go out and play with the children on the playground and after school is out they have an after school sports program and we play volleyball, cricket, and net ball (like basketball) with the children. Friday night we went out for street ministry. We were told by our contact to fast (he said the Holy Spirit told him to tell us to) so that we can be prayed up and ready to minister during the night life of the weekend here in the town of Ocean View. We walked around neighborhoods and prayed for people on the street. We had been talking about spiritual gifts and our contact David says he thinks mine is healing from what we have talked about. He pointed to me and said put my faith to the test and had me pray for this man’s hip that was crooked but I was super nervous and they were taking pictures and there was like 15 people around me and I had no clue what I was doing. I felt his hip pulsating and jumping but I was doubting what was happening. We shall see…The man was still in pain but he told me that he has to change from the inside before his hip could be healed. Then we walked around these flats to pray for prostitutes and addicts. The last flat we went to there was a bunch of kids out and there was music playing and we had a big dance off to Wrecking Ball and everyone was singing at the top of their lungs. I couldn’t stop smiling at them. I’m excited to go back out this weekend!


Outside of ministry we have been to the beach, we climbed Table Mountain, and we went to a pro soccer game at the World Cup stadium. Next weekend we are going  shark diving and going to Cape Point and Sunday we are preaching in church. 😀 


Thank you all for your continuous prayers! Please be praying for my squad, some of them are not in the nicest areas and have rougher living conditions.