So the other night I was scrolling down Facebook statuses and I stumbled across a Netflix movie recommendation. The movie is called Unconditional. I highly recommend it! I have to give you a heads up though…you may cry.

I'll try not to give to much away =]…It is based on a true story about a man who goes by Papa Joe. Papa Joe lives in the projects and has an after school program for the inner city kids who have no fathers, hence the name Papa Joe. He encourages them to do well in school and to  make something of themselves. He shows them that there are good men out there who are capable of showing these kids the love of Christ. He spreads the love to these kids that Christ has shown to him. In turn he also helps his childhood best friend find hope, restore her faith, and follow her dreams. Sounds like it could be cheesy but trust me its a super good movie!!!!!!!

This movie is a glimpse of what selflessness can look like. To me it is a glimpse of what happens when you volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter, when you help with VBS, when you go on a mission trip, etc. You never know the impact you could have on someone's life, let alone a child's life. I am stoked to go on this mission trip and see the faces of orphans light up because we play soccer with them or read a book with them. Sometimes the simplest things can forever impact a child's life. We need to share the love of Christ to the lost so we can show them there is hope in life and we don't need to struggle alone. By no means is life a piece of cake 24/7, but those struggles bring us to who we are today. You either learn from your struggles or you let them bring you down. Instead of always thinking about yourself go out of your way to do something for someone else. The reward of making someone smile or turning someone's bad day into a good day is the best feeling. Watching Papa Joe interact with those kids and their faces light up made me cheeseball watching that movie, I felt like a dork cuz I was alone in my room smiling at a movie but I don't care hahahaha. I love showing love and doing stuff for others now, but I am so excited to do it for the less fortunate in other countries! I cannot wait till January!

Thank you so much for all of the prayers and support thus far. You are helping me go put smiles and share Christ's love, like Papa Joe, around the world and I thank you for that! I am truly blessed with all of those in my life and I can only thank Jesus for that. I never thought in a million years that I would ever go on a mission trip let alone an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries. Until the whole world hears…