Eileen Kramer is the best mother anyone could ever ask for. She has such a servant’s heart and always puts others first. She is always there to give a word of encouragement. She’s always there when someone needs help. She’s always there for her family even when she feels like we are not appreciative. Everyone else’s need come before her own and we have to force her to take time for herself.

Nernch, I wish I could be there to celebrate with you today and give you a big hug, kiss, and lick. But I can’t so I’m sending you some love from across the world! Thank you for being an amazing mom and for always pushing me to do my best. Thank you for the trials in life because they made me who I am today. Thank you for being a stay at home mom now so you could be there for us when we need you. Thank you for raising us in the church and to seek after Christ with our lives. Thank you for being an example of how a mom should be with her kids. Thank you for raising us the best way you knew how. I love and miss you so much! Happy Mother’s Day podge 😉