This past month in Ireland was one of comfort, but also uncomfortable at the same time. My team had the opportunity of being with 4 other teams on the squad to join together and serve the community of Coleraine, Northern Ireland. We partnered with Coastal Causway Vineyard Church and served in various ways. We cleaned and organized a huge warehouse. Did grounds work for the flats Vineyard owns for those who struggle with addiction. Some volunteered at the thrift store or weekly coffee time. There was a huge car boot sale, in America we would call it a craft/yard sale, and served whether parking cars or serving coffee. We also took part in Destiny Island, like a VBS, where we were able to pour into children and in turn take them out into the community to pray and love on the people of Coleraine. I will never forget the 4 boys I took out into the community. The boldness they had to pray for people was so inspiring. I learned an important lesson that day which I shared with the boys because I believe God had it for them as well. I had the boys pray before going out to see if they received a vision from God on who we should approach. My 11 year old Jack said he saw a man with a baseball hat pushing a stroller and he saw a man in a soccer jersey. Well we found both of them and Jack was excited to share Jesus, but neither one wanted to pay him any attention. The lesson God had for us that day was not to quite perusing even though someone turns you down because in reality they are denying God not you. I told them to keep going up and praying for people so that’s exactly what we did. God used these days with the children to prepare me for the next week.

So there is this whole miracle question thing we were taught by Mark Marx to use with street evangelism. First you approach someone and say excuse me may I ask you a question, if they say yes…then you ask the next question. If God could do one miracle in your life right now what would it be? And finally you ask what they think the greatest miracle is. That’s the kicker, the greatest miracle has already been done and that was sending Jesus to die for our sins. Fast forward a week, on my birthday, I finally get to take a stab at this while street evangelism thing. To lead 1 to Christ on my birthday would be the best thing ever. I was so nervous to share Jesus with random people. I thought to myself what if I stumble over my words or what if I am asked a question that I can’t answer, then I’m a failure. I partnered up with my teammate Hagan on this cold, rainy day. We pray together then start approaching people. A lot of people wouldn’t make eye contact, completely ignored our hello, or simply said no. I was getting really discouraged because people didn’t want to talk, it was cold, and raining, and the guy I did get to talk said there was no God and that I couldn’t prove he existed. Needless to say I didn’t lead anyone to Christ that day. BUUUTTTTT I didn’t let that stop me and I went out the next afternoon and partnered up with Amanda and we led 4 to Christ and planted many other seeds!!! It was really nice having a partner because when either one of us would lose track or stumble over our words the other one would jump in. My one goal for the race was to let me win 1 soul to him before the race was over and in one day I was able to lead 4 to the Lord. I could have been completely discouraged about the day before and not gone out and then those 4 may not have gotten saved. I could have completely forgotten the lesson God taught the boys and I, but I continued to press in to the community and was able to expand the kingdom of God.

I encourage you to step out and ask those miracle questions to random people. First, hello may I ask you a question? Second, what is the greatest miracle God could do for you right now? Third, what do you think the greatest miracle God has ever done? And the greatest miracle is sending his son Jesus to die on the cross for your sins. They work, I’ve seen it! In one day last week 54 people surrendered their lives to Jesus on the streets of Coleraine. God is doing something special in Northern Ireland and I was super blessed to be a part of it and we all have learned something we can bring to our home churches. Don’t be afraid to step out, the possibilities are endless. Jesus is faithful over and above what you would expect. I prayed for 1 and helped save 4. What will you do?