Some of you have been asking if I need anything or how you can help with the race. PRAYER for sure. My squad and I need a lot of prayer as we are preparing to launch in just a month. Satan is attacking our minds full force and he is scared because we are gonna ROCK THE NATIONS!!!! Pray we stay strong and focused on what the Lord has called us to do. Pray for the hearts of those we are about to come in contact with. Pray for our friends and families as we are saying our “See you laters”. Pray God comforts them and gives them peace in knowing we are safe in His hands.

Another way you can help is financially, not me but my fellow squad mates. Our next deadline is quickly approaching on December 18th and there are some who have yet to meet the $7500 mark. Below you will find a list of team members who have made me aware they are short for this next deadline. I know they will be grateful for any amount that God places on your heart to give. You can help me by helping them and keeping our squad together for launch in January. 

Copy and paste their blog address and you will find a “Support Me” link on the left hand side. (short $2000) (short $2900) (short $2300) (short $2000) (short $3000) (short $4500) (short $500)

God has generously paid my way in full and I ask that you pray about helping support a fellow squad mate. I know they will appreciate it. I pray that God will bless you abundantly for what you give. I love you all!