We all have seen The Beauty and the Beast at some point in our lives or maybe you’ve gotten hooked on the T.V. series, Once Upon a Time and have grown fond of Belle and Rumpelstiltskin like I have. We know that Belle made a deal with the Beast/Rumple that she would work in the castle in exchange for her father’s life. Belle saw in the Beast/Rumple what no one else saw. She saw that he was a gentle, loving, compassionate man who just wanted to be loved. She pointed out the good that no one else saw. Over time the 2 of them fell madly in love with one another and lived happily ever after…Little did I know how this fairy tale would affect my life. Come to find out I am related to the beauty and the beast and their life has brought me to where I am today…Scratch that, God brought me to where I am.

Belle was in her early 20’s when she started dating the Beast and she kept it a secret from the rest of the family. She knew her family would not approve of who she was dating. Her brothers used to hang out with the Beast and they would use drugs and do whatever else they would do. Belle’s father had recently died, she had already been married and divorced and she was just looking for that relationship. She was never home and she never talked about who she was with and what she was doing. She finally told her family she was dating the Beast and she said her mom almost passed out. Her sister said to her, “What are you doing?” Her brothers said, “You know that man and you know what he does.” No one was okay with her dating him. She had no intentions of marrying him or having a future with him. Belle was perfectly content in the moment and she was going to do what she wanted to do no matter what her family said. And then she got pregnant…