I Peter 5:7 “Cast all you cares upon him, for he cares for you.”

I want to leave in January and everything be perfect with those I love. I want to make sure everything will be okay in their lives. I don’t want those I care so much about to struggle…Big dream huh?

I am the kind of person who tries to take things upon my self to make sure the people I care about are happy. I try to take things into my own hands and I let others burdens rest on my shoulders because I feel like it is what God wants me to do.  It is so hard for me to just sit there and pray and leave it to God. I try to do whatever I can to “fix” it, because I hate seeing people hurt and struggle. There are times when I lie awake just praying for people and just thinking about the things they are going through and just wish it would go away, I just want them to be happy. I know I need to just let go and let God handle it. He has really been working on my over the last 2 weeks on letting Him take control. It seems like day after day there is something new for me to bring to him and it’s not like they are small, insignificant things; they are huge burdens weighting on their shoulders and I take them and place them on my shoulders. 

Here marks they day where I will fully let go and let God do what he will with my/others burdens. I challenge you to let go of whatever is holding you back from giving God your full potential and give it all over to Him. Have faith in whatever is going on in your life right now is part of his plan and He just wants you to rest in His arms. He did not intend for us to try and take care of ourselves. He longs for us to cast our burdens on Him because then He knows that we need Him.


Let go, let God, and be amazed!