A little pre-story…January I came down to Gainesville, GA for some seminars/reunion with my squad and the other 4 squads that launched for the race in January 2014. They basically want to see how things are going being back in America and present some opportunities on what to do next. At the end of the week my squad mate Julie had a vision from the Lord for me. She said she saw a coffee cup and on it said, “Bakery on Main.” She said, “I think that’s for you.” I dismissed it and it hasn’t come up until recently…

March 2015 I left my comfortable life in Northern Virginia and followed the call to Flowery Branch, GA. I had no clue what the Lord had in store for me, but I took a leap of faith and I’m so glad I did.

Moving down I anticipated working at Starbucks to learn about coffee at a quick pace. I thought the Lord was opening doors for me through Starbucks, but He had other plans. When I got here I applied at 20+ locations, but I got nothing. I began getting a little frustrated because I thought that was where the Lord was calling me. My roommate told me about this coffee shop 5 minutes from our home called Common Grounds so I gave them a call and was told only Saturday hours were available. When I hung up I told myself that working there wasn’t going to benefit, after all, I had bills to pay. I searched another week for a Starbucks jobs, but I still hadn’t heard anything. I called Common Grounds again and still the same answer. I reluctantly went in and introduced myself to Gene (the manager) and he said, “See you tomorrow.” He told me I would be making pancakes, French toast, and doing dishes. Gene knew nothing about me and no application was needed. For all he knew I could have been a murderer or something, but he trusted me and I was thankful. My friends said it sounded sketch, and it did, but I went in anyways. I quickly fell in love with the job and knew God had me there for a reason. A couple weeks later I was given 2 more days a week, which meant more experience than only working in the kitchen.

Fast forward to the end of April…It was crazy busy and Gene and I were the only ones working. After the rush calmed down I went back to wash some dishes and then Jesus chimed in and said,” This is why you aren’t working at Starbucks. You are learning how to multitask taking orders, serving, cleaning, making fancy coffee drinks, etc.” I was mind blown and filled with so much joy at the opportunity the Lord was giving me. The next morning I was talking to Randy (the owner of the building/founder of Common Grounds) and he looked at me and said, “You take this job seriously.” I told him I did and I shared a little bit about my dreams for the future. He began telling me the back ground of Common Grounds and how that building/business was completely of the Lord. I couldn’t tell you everything he said because as Randy was talking to me, Jesus was talking to me. Jesus said, “Do you remember what Julie said to you.” I told Him I did and He said, “This is it, you’re on Main St.” Common Grounds in on Main St. and it never dawned on me up until that moment. My eyes began to well up and I tried to get away so Randy wouldn’t see. I couldn’t hold back because I was so overwhelmed at the provision of the Lord. As if that wasn’t enough, I got in my car and the song What Faith Can Do by Kutless was just starting. At that moment there was just no stopping the tears. It was as if Jesus was singing right to me and I just allowed the words to wash over me. The following week Gene and I were talking and he said when I come back from Spain he may just let me run to coffee shop…WHAT?!?! Jesus, slow down a little bit haha. I don’t know all the Lord has in store for me in little old Flowery Branch, but I can tell you he has done so much already.

Take the step out of your comfort zone, watch , and be utterly amazed at what the Lord will do.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1JBSQMkQEo&w=560&h=315]