Finally figuring out this blog thing =]

I always have a hard time writing about myself, but here it goes.

My name is Laura Moody and I am 25 years old. I am from northern VA/ Washington DC area. I am the second oldest of my siblings. I have a step brother, a step sister, 2 brothers, and a sister. I come from a very close nit family who likes to spend time together. I have an elementary education degree from Pensacola Christian College that I have not yet used. I am currently working at a physical therapy office as a receptionist and I love my job! I love just talking to the patients and I love being able to be open about my faith. I enjoy photography (I’m a beginner), scrapbooking, cooking, hiking, canoeing, fishing, going to the beach, jet skiing, shopping, spending time with my family and friends, traveling, and being in the presence of others. I love making people smile and doing things for other people. I’m very real with people and accept them for who they are. We all have pasts and everyone deserves grace and forgiveness.

You may wonder how the World Race came into my path, well it started last year when i went on a mission trip to Haiti with AIM. It began when our original leader got sick 2 days before we were supposed to arrive in Haiti and we had no idea who was going to lead our group. Well the young lady who ended up leading our group had done the World Race before and she was telling us all about it. I just said that it would be fun to do and I had no intention of doing it, I was afraid I would miss out on too much and I had too many things to take care of here in the states. Well it was Tuesday evening after the church service one of the ladies in my group came up to me and said I need to talk to you. So later that night we had a talk and she said to me, “Laura, I think you shoulder pray about doing the World Race.”She said that was all she could think about all service. I was in shock when that came out of her mouth, I thought there is no way. So that night I prayed about it and went to sleep. The next morning I was sitting on the patio eating a banana for breakfast and I looked behind my shoulder and written on a piece of paper was just Ps. 96:3. About 20 minutes we were doing group devotionals and we had to read Ps. 96. One of the girls asked us what verse stuck out to us. Well I couldn’t read past Ps 96:3, “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples“. That was confirmation #1. The World Race remained on my mind the rest of the week and people kept coming to me saying that I should do it and that if anyone in our group could do it, it would be me. I went home and told my mom about it and she started crying and said she knew something like that would happen and she has complete peace about it. A few weeks later I was having second thoughts and we went over to a family friend’s house for dinner and we had Chinese food, I always knew God had a sense of humor…My fortune cookie said,” You will step foot on the soil of many nations” How funny is that! Confirmation #2. After lots of prayer and talking to my mentors I decided to apply for the World Race and I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am in the Lord’s will! He has provided over half of my funds already and I know he will provide the rest! When you are in the Lord’s will he will show up and show off so that all will hear. I am looking forward to this 11 month journey and cannot wait to see what the Lord is going to do!