I really need to post more.

I can not believe it is already December and we are about to start 2010. A few more months and we will have been married for a year already. That’s just crazy talk it seems.

I am extremely pumped to start 2010 though and see all that God has in store for us. I feel like he is teaching us something new all the time, He is molding and shaping us everyday, He is teaching us about marriage, and of course He is rocking our world all the time. That’s a good thing.

I think about how this time next year we will be over seas in full time ministry. The realization of that is becoming more and more realistic every day. Our families officially know, my job knows, people are asking us how they can effectively support us, and we moved recently so we could save money. There is still SO much to go but the journey is beginning.

I had coffee with a great friend the other night and we had a good deep conversation about missions. She asked me a lot of questions and wanted to know what was on my mind about everything. I told her I was thinking a lot about money and getting support. She said she understood that, even though we both know God will provide if it is His will, but that she wanted me to really think about the fact that we are going to be in the mission field for 11 months. That we are going to have to protect our marriage, that the enemy would be at work like crazy, that we have to be intentional in our quiet times, and so much more. This is one of those moments God rocked my world. All I could think was if I can’t do that now here in the comfort of Rockwall, TX how much harder it would be in Africa for example. Food for thought for me.

Lane and I have been praying and we feel led to the September race. We are still posted as July. I loved meeting the July mates and I am praying for them all. I have a dear friend who is on the July race! I love you Woody!

That’s it from me for now. God is good all the time. Please keep us in your prayers!

Brooke Doughtie