4 days thus far and im still in shock im here. Reality has yet to hit me; i sit on the rooftop over looking the town of Matamoras, watching the rooster that keeps me up all night chase the chickens.. And the Dogs! There are so many! Some half starved and chained to a pole in the middle of a desolate yard with no water or food in their reach.. This has to be the hardest part for me.. God give me blind eyes or a hardened heart for your animals! I long for my mom to come save them all, or my dad to tell me the best strategy to fix the problem.. But it’s just me here… God has me here, im really looking inward and soul searching as i look over the town each morning.. Why has God called me here? It’s more then just saving souls, i can feel it, somehow it’s also about what Gods wants from me.. I feel my soul yearning, aching… I am So out of my Box! Im so out of my comfort zone that i truly am taking each step by faith..

Yesterday we went to a small church just starting up and met a husband and wife with so much faith they glowed.. The passion they have to save the people of their town spilled out onto me as we prayed for 3 women that stood to ask Jesus to live in their hearts. I am used to seeing people give their hearts to the lord at an alter call in a packed church, but this was in a home and the only people there were us and those 3 ladies!

The Mexican women are teaching me a lot too, about hospitality.. I always thought i was a friendly person but compared to the welcome and reception the families give us here i think i might be giving people a cold shoulder at my home.. The smiles are contagious and the hugs addicting.. And the food! Even when they have very little they give very much.. God help me to embrace these traits and make them my own.. Let me glow with your love like these people..

The week we spend here is preparation for the work that lies ahead… We are learning how to plant churches and to listen to the gentle whisper of the Lord.. Learning how to put our own desires and pride away and instead see through the eyes of Jesus.. I thought i was so spiritual, ha! i am humbled with the amount i do not know and the deep cry of my heart to know him even more…