It is too hard to describe the orphanage.. Even to hard to describe the smell from the toxic Sewage River that runs not more then 1 klm from it.. But i think i can describe the 3 children God has destined to siege my heart…

Hinue, is 14 with a beautiful voice and a gifting for writing songs.. She is the older sister to Hahot.. They have lived at the orphanage 3 years.

Hahot is 12 years old and is best friends with Zoujam. She loves drawing. She is an overly affectionate child that craves love.. She is well behaved and has a smile that can light up a dark room. She has a little brother that is very adorable..

Zoujam is 10 years old and is as cute as a little girl can get… She has been at the orphanage 1 year and seems to have clung to Hahot as a best friend and security blanket.. She has a little brother there too but she doesn’t see him often because boys and girls are not together very often..

My first day there i met Hahot and Zoujam.. For some reason out of the 80 orphans and 22 missionaries us 3 found eachother and bonded….

The 3rd day there they decided to give each missionary 3 children to mentor and spend time with for the 3 weeks we would be there.. My Girls arms grasps even tighter around me as they prayed we wouldn’t be separated.. I waited till the end to stand up because i wasn’t sure what to do.. I had 2 little girls stuck to me and i was worried too because i had come to really adore them also..

So, i stood up and said..” Would it be ok if i made a group with these two girls and there older sister?” We have already began a friendship and i would like to see where it goes.” She looked at us and the little girls hanging off me with hope in their tiny faces and said ” ummm,ok”.

My girls giggled and leapt with joy, i was so happy that turned out so well.. And at this point i knew God was involved…

The next few days we spend all my free time together.. They would give me little snakes they had( a big deal considering they dont have anything!) and include me in every game they played making sure i won every time..Igot used to thehugs i got every time they seen me..

One day in a meeting Alli (one of our advisors) was telling us more about the children.. She said most of the kids are orphans with no parents or parents that are lepors in colonies, or children with parents to poor to care for them, and they will live there whole life at the orphanage..

Then she said something that struck my heart with such force i might never be the same..She said, a few of the girls are not Indian they are from another place and are Asian looking, these girls have a high chance of becoming sex slaves one day..

I knew without a doubt she was talking about my 3 girls..

Then she continued and said, Sometimes the family drops them off here so they get feed and learn English then pick them up when they are the right age and sell them or use them in the sex slave industry. I knew that she was talking about Zoujam.. I died inside..

There is only 4 girls at the orphanage that look Asian, and 3 of them are my girls.. Zoujam is 10 and beautiful, she said her parents dropped her off 1 year ago to learn English. She thinks they are coming back..

I see the love they desire and how innocent they are.. And during worship one night i started to cry when i thought of someone exploiting that… I have to do something if i can.. But what?

I pray every morning and night for them, but that isn’t enough, i feel God pulling me.. I feel called to do something! I have no clue what or how.. So i wait upon the Lord..

I know he will direct my path.. He is theone that destined me to be here, so in His time i know He will reveal my purpose. Until then please join me in prayer for these children.

I love and miss you all!!!! ill put up photos as soon as i can find an internet cafe that has the technology to do so..