It’s said that one of the most common reasons people don’t hear from God, is because we don’t stop to listen. In John 10 Jesus says “My sheep hear my voice.” While the way each person’s spirit “hears” from God may look different – whether audibly or in a vision, through another person or a dream, with an impression or many other ways – Jesus assures us that He speaks to His children. The purpose of Fusion (the World Race route I’m a part of leading) is to discover God’s voice and implement a lifestyle of listening to and obeying Him.

God has so many things to say to His daughters and sons!

One morning of training camp, when praying for the day ahead, God gave me a picture of a woman with long black hair in a white t-shirt and jeans surrounded by trees. He also gave a friend the word heartache. As we went out that day we passed a park. I saw a woman with long black hair in a white t-shirt and jeans sitting on a bench with a man. We walked up to discover her crying. We learned her and her husband were in a tough spot and looking for a home. I was able to share with her how God had given me a picture of a woman in a white shirt and jeans with black her in a park that morning – a picture of her. We shared how we believe He gave a random girl from America this picture just so she‘d know that He sees her, is with her and husband, and will provide for them.

After training camp my team and I moved into a home in Pereira, Colombia. There we invited a girl who had just moved to town to play cards with us. She’s currently looking for a job and hasn’t had much luck. As we were playing she complained about fighting migraines. She allowed us to pray over her before returning to the game. Later that afternoon I stopped by her room to see how her head was. In amazement, she told me that all her pain was gone! “Wow! Jesus is incredible. He cares about you so much, even about the pains in your head.”

That Sunday my team and I were at church when God highlighted a woman across the building to both a teammate of mine and I. I felt as though God was saying His glory shone within her, even when she did not feel it. After church we found her. I told her (as best I could in my broken Spanish) what God said. She stared blankly at us in disbelief and asked why I thought that. I told her how His light shone upon her during church and I was given that impression. She pointed to her goosebumps as tears rolled down her cheeks. She had been going through a tough time, having to make difficult decisions and struggling to believe she was doing right. She was overwhelmed God would say that and suddenly felt peace in following His will.

When crossing the border into Ecuador the next week, one of my co-squad leaders and I got an extra empanada to give to anyone Jesus highlighted to us. A man in his late 20s stood out to us, so we offered him the empanada. We discovered he had fled from Venezuela just three days before with friends. We listened to their stories. They, as well as thousands of other Venezuelans, have fled as governmental corruption and opposition increase tension. They‘re headed to Peru where they will be treated as if citizens and given opportunities to work, but thousands are still stuck in their country. We prayed for safety and provision upon them, that the Lord would continue to reveal Himself with them, and for restoration upon their country.

These were just a few incredible ways God spoke to and used my team this past month so others could know Him and His Love more intimately.

It’s crazy to look at where I was a year ago, beginning my own World Race journey, learning more about how God speaks to me and the power of boldly obeying Him. One of my favorite things from this first month has been watching the 15 racers who are starting their own 11 month World Race begin to discover these lessons, step into that same bold obedience, and see the Lord show up in the miraculous ways He always does.