We were asked to share with you why we’re going on this world missions adventure called the World Race. 

            I’m going around the world in 11 months, because…

             Wow, it’s difficult for me to answer this question in a few hundred words because there are many different reasons.  I also think that if asked this question when first applying & being accepted to the WR, my answer would be much different than it is now.

             I could share with you how since high school I’ve felt God’s leading me to the mission field, how I come alive overseas & feel “this is what I was made for,” how I have a heart for lost people coming to know Christ, being among other cultures, & not to mention the adventure of crazy food & experiences in this amazing world.  And yes, though those are all a part of it, they are just a part.

             So, with that said, this is from today’s perspective…

             Looking back upon this past year I can see how God has literally been breaking me down & preparing me for this next year on the WR (you might notice this tone from my previous blogs, lol!).  A number of different trials have arisen since the end of ’06, beginning of ’07.  Though each of them have had varying degrees of impact on my life, God has used each of them to accomplish this one purpose…brokeness & transformation! Out of this deep pain, He has constantly been stripping away myself, showing me that as much as I like to be in control, I really have no control whatsoever…in my own life, in other’s lives, & not to mention in this world.  But, He does.

              As excited as I am to see how God will move through us this next year, I also know that none of it will take place without us first being emptied, & Him then refilling us.  This past year and a half has definitely been that for me. 

             Before, my answer for going on the WR would have reflected more around the idea of how God would use me.  Now, I am convinced that God’s answer in my going on the WR revolves more around the journey of transformation & becoming more like Him.  Yes, He wants to use me in His purposes within this world, but He desperately wants to change me in the process.  He wants it to be about me & him together, not just me.  


             So, how does this affect you?  Well, many people have commented to me at different times, “America is just as much a mission field as any other third world country.” And I couldn’t agree with you more! So, wherever God has you currently, whether working a 9-5 job here in the U.S. or doing ministry across the world, may you embrace God’s spirit to not just use you, but transform you!