We were asked to write an essay called “This I Believe” about what really matters to us, as preparation for this world missions adventure called the World Race. This is what I believe…




In this moment I can’t accurately explain in words the depth of emotions I’m experiencing. If I could sum it all up in its entirety it would be that I can sense the weight of the world on my shoulders. Wow, I know what a huge and pretty dramatic statement huh?


Recently, I have been so consumed with my own thoughts and emotions that finally I asked God last night, “Lord, I need more of your thoughts, your desires, your heart, & your emotions!” Well, little did I know that He would answer so quickly, lol J


Today, it’s as if I’m in battle. A cloud has been hovering over my head and a heavy burning is aching within my heart. I have literally been weighed down with the reality of pain in our world…friends grieving over loved ones, lost people who desperately need a Savior, devastating natural disasters in both Myanmar & China killing thousands upon thousands.  How & why is there so much suffering in our world?


Can you imagine what Jesus must have been feeling when all of this became reality for him…literally taking the weight of the world upon him at the cross, both physically and emotionally?


So, what matters to me most? Well, for today it’s people hurting, it’s people who have no hope that their suffering is short-lived, that there is something and someone far better than what they see now, and that there is an eternal relief, love, and comfort found ultimately in Christ alone…


Since answering me last night about needing to think, feel, & respond more like Him, He also spoke to me through Chuck Swindoll today. “Tetelestai Krystle!,” which in the Greek means “It is finished!” Philippians 1: 6 “…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”


As overwhelmed as I feel in not having the ability to change or fix any of this on my own, I have been reminded that what he started he will finish. What he began in me, what he began in you, and what he began in this world of ours he will finish.  And though we are still in the process part of all of this, He already has the Victory!


As much as I may not feel this at times, I know and believe this!