Calling All Laborers!
As we leave Phnom Penh, Cambodia and head to Pattaya, Thailand here is
an overview of our month serving alongside New Life In Christ Church under Pastor Keat & his family. I want to share with you what is currently talking place here, as well as their long-term vision. Please consider how you can be a part whether through prayer, partnership, or even serving short or long-term.
- Their facility currently holds about a 120 member service and a school that has classrooms ranging from 3 year olds to 3rd grade.
- The building is currently under construction, expanding a few levels with a future vision of a 1,000 member congregation, and a 20 room guesthouse which will add more classrooms for the school as well as accommodate future missionaries.

The school is called New Hope which reaches out to many non-Christian families.
Only 5 to 10 of the 100 families that currently have children attending New Hope are Christian.
The children are being taught about Jesus and in turn are influencing their homes.
Their vision is to grow the school as parents are currently requesting that it will expand to 12th grade.
The evening classes range from high school to college age students desiring to learn English.
This is a great opportunity to develop relationships with people who are seeking Jesus.
Many of the youth within these classes end up attending church and hearing the truth.
10-30 of them just recently became believers!
For my personal story with one of them, Roni, check out my blog titled A God of Pursuit.
There is also the opportunity to further these new believers relationships with the Lord by going deeper in discipleship.
Kira & Naomi (to the left) experienced this during our past month.
Not only did they form a special friendship through Kira teaching English,
but they studied the book of John together!
- God is using His church and people here at New Life In Christ to further His Kingdom in this part of Cambodia, but many more laborers are needed!!!
- Pastor Keat, Sally, & their daughter Hannah invite you to be a part of this ministry through short or long-term service. Would you consider joining them?
- To check out New Life’s personal website: or you can contact Pastor Keat Kove directly at [email protected]
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.
Matthew 9:37-38