Restoration of the Broken Ones…”
“…You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”
Isaiah 58:12
                                        “So, Krystle what’s the next puzzle piece for your life?”  

            Lying wide awake in one of the most humbling accomodations all year, it was here in Pattaya, Thailand that I was struck to get up and write about all that was flooding my mind as God spoke to me. As we worked alongside the Tamar Center, a ministry that reaches out to broken women and prostitutes, my heart had been deeply grieved the entire month, showing me how much “Every Life Counts. However, on this one specific night I was moved to creative inspiration and faith through a BIG DREAM…. 
        As I sat curled up on the floor with my Bible and journal, dim light peeked in from the moldy bathroom as I wrote into the early morning hours. “Krystle, you have a heart for the wounded, the outcasts, the unloved, unseen, and the most unwanted rejects in this world. I want you to…

 Restore the Broken Ones” through opening Restoration Homes”

                                      for broken women and teenage girls.” 
            Black mold all of sudden didn’t look so bad while bouncing on the cold tile of the bathroom floor and silently screaming into my hands, thanking God for giving me direction to a question I had been asking for the past 8 years! Feeling like I’ve been called to missions since high school, but not knowing what that was to look like or where, I now understood why He never clarified until now. This night He tweaked my perspective and solidified my calling in life. It isn’t that I am a missionary who is to reach one people group within one country for the rest of my life. It is that I am a Restorer and Reconciler by nature, and from my identity bleeds my purpose in this world.  I am not what I do, but everything that I do flows from who I am, my being. 
         As you know from this past year, God wrecked me for life. Prior to the World Race, I began asking Him, “Who am I?” For so long I thought I knew myself, but all of a sudden I was having an identity crisis at the age of 25! This was a great beginning to an unfinished list of questions, many answered, some in process, and others that I have learned to accept will remain unanswered on this side of heaven. From Mexico to the Ukraine, even through now (September 09), I have gained deeper understanding of who I am through who God is,
and from this journey of transformation: Identity, Role in God’s Kingdom, and Calling within this World, my life’s purpose, ministry, and vision of “Restoration of the Broken Ones” has been birthed. 
          Read this next blog for specifics on how God’s been confirming this direction of my life since Thailand, my next steps, and also how you can partner in it all! 

                                                         “A New Dream’s Beginnings…”